Sunday, October 12, 2014

A little bit of Joy and Pain

So, this week has been a week of craziness.  2 weeks out from the Spartan and just got the "official" pics.  I will put them at the end of today's blog.

Last weekend was some downtime and this week too.

So now to explain the heading of this one.

I have this blog for a couple reasons.  One is to give me some place to ramble all the thoughts that I have as I go through this journey in hopes that I don't totally prattle on to all my friends and family endlessly. (Although, I suspect if you know me in real life, I am often prattling on about it...sorry.)

The other reason is that I hope it inspires others, encourages them.  That this open and honest blog helps other people who don't "look like" a runner or a OCR elite sees YOU CAN DO IT.  I have had a number of people let me know it does just that.  

Well.....this week it got recognized in a big way.  A coworker of mine nominated me for an award at work for being a HealthE Champion.  I work for a large organization (over 30,000 employees).  I was selected to be one of the 25 winners for either being a HealthE Champion or an Environmental Champion.  What she wrote touched my heart!  She has been on her own journey and has made amazing changes in her life.  For her to nominate me was amaizng but to have won.....that is just crazy.

Now I am challenged to answer these questions - 

1.      Tell us about how you practice a healthy lifestyle at work and at home.

2.      Describe what motivates you to live a healthy lifestyle or what inspired you to make changes to practice healthy behaviors.

3.      Do you participate in the Healthe You program?  If so, how has it helped you to live healthier?

4.      What insights or advice have you learned about living healthy that you would like to share with others?

 I am thinking on it.......

Now, for the pain.  I have pushed myself hard lately.  I am not the best at taking care of myself.  I don't stretch post runs or lifting.  I have IT Band issues and am terrible with my foam roller. I have the knowledge, the tools, no excuses and I just don't do it.

Well, it has now not only been affecting my runs, it has been ruining my sleep and then crazy dreams.  (Yup, dreamed that I finally went to the doctor for the knot in my one thigh- the dream then took a crazy turn when he just sliced right into it and pulled out a bag of ball bearings and bb's.) I decided to take a little time and give myself a birthday gift. I went and got a 90 minute massage.  For those of you picturing a nice relaxing time....NOPE, I go for deep tissue.  The gal I see starts w/ you on your back so she can do legs first.  I prefer it as my back gets super tense while she does it because it hurts like HELL.  She found a few knots in the left and was like "Well, that is a first to find more than one and that size/location."  I warned her the right was worse.  HAHAHAHA......  when we were done, she warned me to drink lots of water, stop and get some biofreeze or salonpas  and to start taking care of myself.  "How the HELL do you run when your right quad is nothing but knots and pain?"

So.... trying to remind myself that if I want to continue this journey i need to start taking care of myself and my poor quads.  (and glutes)

So... that is my little lesson for me and for the rest of you---  Remember to take the time to take care of yourself.  Stretching is important. If something is sore, DON'T IGNORE IT.  Take the time to work on it when it is a small little thing, not when it is waking you up several times a night and making anything you do painful.  Fitness is all facets of life, not just the miles you cover and the pounds you move.

This is my new best friend lol

As promised, more spartan pics.