Thursday, December 11, 2014

All I want for Christmas is..............

Wow, only 20 days left in 2015!  Where the heck did this year go?  I have not blogged in forever and just feel like I have been slacking overall.  I have been working out but eating........  I didn't just fall off the wagon, I fell off the wagon, rolled down a big hill and across the valley.

One of my rules I made to myself with this journey and with this blog is complete transparency and honesty.  Confession- I am up 8 pounds since last year.  At first I told myself it was muscle.  Yeah.... then I redid my measurements (Waist, hips and thighs don't lie......)

I held my weight steady until I finished my Spartan.  Then WHAM, fell off the wagon and the eating commenced.

So, what do I want for Christmas?  To find my motivation again.  To find my control.  To find my self-control and strength.

Bought myself a nice little reminder!   (

For the strength- I don't mean to say I lost my physical strength- that has been gaining like mad too and it is a good kind- the trainer has been upping my weights and pushed me so at least I have not lost the Gains I love so much.  So I know I have it in me- Got the physical down-now just to regain the mental!  (To that end, I did put on my Christmas list a 20 pound Slam Medicine Ball- There is nothing I love more when I am feeling stressed to just repeatedly SLAM a heavy ball on a concrete floor!!!)

So, the question is- HOW do I find it again?  Well, step one is get back to basics.  Food logging, cooking, blogging, weekly weights and measures.

AND....Signed up and committed to a Spartan Sprint in May, a Warrior Dash in June, another Spartan Sprint in September.  I also have a 10k I signed up for that I cannot remember for the life of me the date of.

Why Spartans?  I remember how hard it was to haul 212 pounds over those walls a few months ago.  I cannot, WILL NOT do it again in May.  Also, I run as a means to an ends.  I LOVE obstacle course races.  If I could afford it and my body could take it, I would do one every month.  I think that was the problem. I had nothing planned after my Spartan.  The let down from no races made me........ is deflated the right word?  Add to that a very quick move from fall to winter here in the Midwest and all I want is comfort food....and CARBS!

So if you are on MyFitnessPal- look me up (MeAndConnor).  FitBit?  Give me your info and I will add you as a friend?  And as always, find me on Facebook!

Let's keep pushing forward, being strong and let me hear from you!!!  Are you struggling?  Let me hear from you and we can help pull each other out of our ruts!!

20 days......>>LETS DO THIS!!!!

And just so there is a nice pic- here is me and my dad from a recent wedding we went to- was blessed enough to be invited to the weddings of both my Step-Brothers this fall!