Thursday, May 14, 2015

I think my Ortho thinks I am nuts.........

There is a saying.... Nurses make terrible patients.  I can be one of those nurses that makes a terrible patient.  I try hard not to be.

Have not updated in a bit.

Arterial doppler was abnormal (haha, suprised everyone) and got a NEXT DAY appointment with a cardiologist from that one.  He was so confused by the abnormal results until I let him in on what my PCP and Ortho thought and then it was "UMMM, yeah- that makes sense AND it is pretty bad if that is what it turns out what it is based on what happened on the doppler".  "Just to be safe though, lets do a CT Angio to rule out a vascular issue."......  yeah... could I have the vessels of a 70 year smoker who mainlines fat?

PHEW- that was normal.  In fact, I think the Cardiologist said my vessels look "PRISTINE".

Was happy and excited.  Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome looks much better when the other option was needing bypass grafts in your legs.......

Been walking and keeping my pace low.  Overdid it one weekend w/ two back to back walks on a Friday evening/Saturday Morning that were both a little hilly and a little more than my "allowed miles".   Had some numbness the next day.  Sat my ass down for a few days and now back to behaving.

Saw the ortho today.  Figured would tell him all this and he would say "Let's watch it a little more".

Ummm, nope.  Told him all of above.  Guess who gets to have the fun test where they shove big needles in your legs, then pull them til the pain starts then have them shove the big needles back in.  YEP.  Apparently he does not like what I explained the Doppler showing (he did not get the results, only my PCP and cardio did) especially with the numbness after being a bit too aggressive.

He was able to do a bit more sleuthing in my medical records (that heavens for connected hospital EMRs and such) and the kind of scarring I get should not be an issue if we decide surgery is the treatment for this.

Bad news is he thinks I will need surgery for this.  The "fun" test will give us the information to be 100% certain that the diagnosis is correct AND severity.  Then we will make an educated decision about the surgery.  If the test is normal.....well there are some other fun things it could be and will be more fun testing like nerve exams, MRIs and bone scans to look for weird muscle things, nerve issues or a atypical stress fracture.   But he (and cardio and the pcp) all are pretty convinced of the diagnosis.

So....why does he think I am crazy.  We finish discussing all this and he says "Any questions?"  Asked about elliptical (yes, slow and try to limit to 30 minutes and stop immediately if it hurts), rowing (Yes, and might be a great alternative as it uses the upper leg muscles, back/core and arms more than calves).  Then the big question.  "So I deferred or gave away all my races but one.  I would like to do the Warrior Dash 6-14 if you think it will not cause irrepairable harm".  He laughs "An Obstacle Race......"  Hey, I cancelled two Spartans since burpees  and HUGE ASS HILLS are a no-no.

His answer is typical doctor.  "I can't tell you it is a GREAT idea to do it.  I won't say you can't.  You have to race smart.  Don't run between the obstacles-walk and save your legs.  Be careful with the climbing.  If it starts to hurt or you get any funny numbness/tingling, tripping- STOP.  IMMEDIATELY.  If you do that, then I think you can do it without any risk of making this worse/permanent damage"

So......   I focused on the very last part "I think you can do it without any risk of making this worse". (HEHE)

No but he did say seriously he feels if I do it at a walking pace and am careful and that I agree to stop if it starts to hurt- then he would probably do it too.  (Love docs who get it).

BUT....he said it is contingent on the fun stab me w/ needles test.  If he sees something on that out of what he is expecting, he reserves the right to change his answer.  (Gosh, you mean I don't get a guarantee?)

The logistics of scheduling this are fun because he will be doing the test himself, needs to get the equiptment and wants to do it over at the field house they use (yes, my ortho apparently has space at a field house) and I am in the midst of chaos at work.  Should be a logistical fun house.

SO....keep your fingers crossed peeps that the test shows CECS, it isn't horrid enough that it requires me to park my butt on the couch until he can fix it and that I can be smart until then.