Saturday, January 9, 2016

Welcome to 2016..... Sorry I have been away so long

SHOOT- have I really not updated my blog since May?  Ok- here is a quick recap-

Did have CECS, had surgery, got it fixed and TOTALLY FELL OFF THE WAGON.  I got in a slump and slowed to a near stop on working out, on following a healthy diet, on running- Towards the middle of December I finally started finding my "mojo" again and started hitting the gym.  I was up nearly 20 pounds since my lowest.....  So started looking at myself and what I was doing which leads us to today....  Today- January 9, 2016.

First off- I have had a HELL of a jump start to my fitness this year.  Lost a bet on a football game and had to put in the miles for the difference in the score. NU lost to UT 45 to 6 meant I owed him 39 miles...... luckily the guy I bet gave me a few outs- 1- all miles counted-bike/walk/run/elliptical. 2-he gave me til today to get it done (the game was 1-1-16) and lastly- if I couldn't do it- I could pay him $3 a point I didn't do.  SCREW THAT!  Not only did I do the I ended up at 46.18 for the month.

Here is the break down:
Bike 25.64
Run 10.48
Walk 2.61
Elliptical 7.45

Now.... what brought me back to the blog.

Most people through work have different "health" initiatives.  For ours, if we go to certain lectures etc- we can get points that mean an entry into a raffle for $500 to $5000.  There was one near my house today called "Healthy Lifestyles and Weight Loss".  I figured I would go- I expected it to be the same old/same old- Move more, eat less, drink this shake, take this pill and you will be thin.

NOPE.... it was an MD talking who reminded me what I used to do.  What I needed to get back to.

Being healthy and this journey can't just be about the food and exercise.  The mind is as much a part of the battle as the body.

I used to mediate to reduce my stress.  I used to try to do many things to keep my stress in control.

I stopped doing it.  And my headaches are back, the weight is back, my focus is off.

So taking the time to get back in line.

Will go to the other two lectures in the series.

I feel like my eyes are open and my mind is ready to begin again.

Because this is a JOURNEY- there is no single destination.  There is no single right path.

The doctor today talked about the basis of any healthy lifestyle is TEA


If you don't pay attention to all three- you are out of balance.

His other thing you need to remember is RPM - Rise, Pee, Meditate- he is an MD with strong roots in eastern practices, teaches yoga, believes in accupuncture, and chiro.  That Medicine needs to also be rooted in many things, not just the Western philosophy.  I have been looking at different options for many things as "normal" medicine does not work.  We have started using essential oils in our home.  We have been trying to improve the quality of the food we buy and consume.

Food can be medicine, so can exercise. Sometimes your best cures are NOT from the Walgreens.

This is likely enough for today.

I promise it won't be another 8 months before I come back.

Will try to share the skills I learn and such.

(For those interested in more about the speaker- his name is Dr. Ric Saguil and his Website is  He has a lot of videos on there and a blog.  Working my way through some of his stuff)