Sunday, March 6, 2016

Shame, life changes and keep pushing forward!!

Ok, so it has been 2 months since I posted but today was inspired to write by a post in one of the FB pages I belong to.

The post was very inspiring about if you dream of doing a big race/distance don't be afraid just because right now you are only able to do a few miles.

What it reminded me of is the flip side of that you sometimes see when you start a workout journey- the fact that in some people's minds if you "only" run 5ks and 10ks you are afraid to do a big race (such as a half or full marathon or an ultra marathon-which is anything over 26.2 miles and often are 50 or 100 miles long).  That if you start doing weights you have to try Crossfit.  That if you do xyz you must move on to the next level.

Here is what I want to say- NO- you don't have to.  Your fitness is your journey.  If you love running 2-3 miles but never want to do a race- DON'T.   If you love to lift, are meeting your goals- you don't have to do Crossfit.  If your workout is walking, you do not have to run.

The goal is to do what makes you feel good!  These days people are constantly pressured to do the next big thing.  I am here to say focus on your journey and your goals.  Think about your health and talk to your Doctors about what is realistic and safe.

Me?  I am a 5k to 10k kinda girl (3.1 to 6.2 miles) for runs and I do run/walk intervals.  Would I love to be able to run the whole thing?  Sure.  Do I care if I forever stay doing intervals.  NOPE!!!  My pace is about a 14 minute mile.  If it stays there forever, I am ok with it.

I have scaled back my race plans for this year after looking at my goals for this year and where I want to be next year.  I want to be in a healthier place both physically and fiscally and racing is expensive so I picked three races that are mean something to me.  (Spartan as I just love it, RNR as it is the first race I ever actually ran in and Fort2Base).  I see all my friends posting their races and I will admit I am jealous.  But I have bigger goals I have to remember.

(That said, I will take any free races someone wants to give me lol.)

So..... the blog heading alludes to life changes.  Nothing radical in the way most people think.  Started treating with the doctor I mentioned in my last blog and trying to look at my life and make positive changes.  Some are hard for me (begin a meditation/relaxation practice) and some are just an adjustment (scale back my workouts to 1 hour per day because with the stress levels I have, too much exercise can be just as bad as too little).  I could write about this for a long time but this post is already getting longer than most want to read.

Oh....and yoga- I have started yoga.  THAT is big change for me.  If you know me in real life, for me to be in a room full of people for 60 minutes and be quiet- you understand why Yoga is hard.

For those looking for a relaxation/meditaiton practice but not sure where to start- I am doing the below 21 day challenge that starts on March 21 with Deepak Chopra and Oprah. It is free so if you are thinking about it, give it a try too.  It is a meditation that is to help with Weight loss.  This is an interesting concept of mind/body and that being QUIET can help you lose weight.

Have a great day!!