Sunday, May 22, 2016

Crap.....fell off the wagon again

Hey there,

For many on this journey this will sound familiar.... Fell off the wagon again.  Didn't really lose ground but was not working out as much as I should, lost my mojo and just was not "feeling it".

Spartan looming, races coming up and just wasn't feeling it.


Work pressure are INSANE are the biggest one.  I leave work so mentally fried the last thing I want to do is cook, prep, workout.

But that is the thing.....  when I am on track, when I eat right and work out I sleep better.  This hel.s me manage the stress better.

Yet I still got off-track and stopped making me a priority.

So what has me working at it again? (Aside from my Spartan is 3 weeks from today..)  Had someone tell me how much I was inspiring them and they missed my post.  Had another person tell me they could tell just looking at me that I seemed to be hanging on by a thread.  Had the inner thigh of my favorite jeans blow out.  (Come on my lady friends.... you know this sucks- mind you they were about 7 years old so really overdue but dammit)

So yesterday was gym and a long walk.

Today I will be getting outside again.  And tomorrow.

Thankfully I have not gotten far off track and the scale/measurements are the same. (Actually while the scale is up 3 pounds, muscle mass is up 4 so thank you pushup challenge.  Cuz yeah- MY DAMN CHEST MEASUREMENTS ARE UP.  Sorry, not where I want to see gains will understand if you have ever seen pics of me.)

Took this first picture last night on my walk- Spring is in full bloom and it is time for new beginnings.

The second is me and the kid on Mother's day (my "now") and the last is me 3 years ago.  This is where I want to be back to.  I am not that far off weight/measurement wise but the drive and "Headspace" is where I need to get to.

Like Yoda said.... "There is no try, there is only do or not do".  Gotta DO IT!