Thursday, October 19, 2017

My "Next 30 years" (Or hopefully many more than that)

So I sit here tonight pondering my birthday tomorrow.  Holy crap- I am turning 45.

October is almost always a struggle for me.

I love and hate fall.

Love: The comfy hoodies and jeans.  The beautiful colors.  Cool, brisk walks.
Hate: why is it always so dark.  I already miss the sun.

October holds some person "demons" for me too that are to private to share in here but just leaves me a little down.

So I skip workouts.  I eat my feelings.  I eat more than my feelings.

Back to reflecting.... 45 seems so much older than 44.  Is it because I am also facing my on,y child turning 18., graduating, making so many "big people" decisions?

Because I figure I am living to about 90 this makes me middle aged.

The song "My Next 30 Years" came to mind as I was driving home.

Especially this verse

My next thirty years I'm gonna settle all the scores
Cry a little less, laugh a little more
Find a world of happiness without the hate and fear
Figure out just what I'm doin' here in my next thirty years

I still let other people's needs come before me.  I have to be okay with putting myself first.  I have started letting go of some toxic people but sometimes it is so hard.  I have to treat this body better because I need it to carry me through this next 30+ years.

But I am so thankful for these first 45 years.  Even the bad years have helped make me the strong person I am.  And I am blessed!  I have a job I love (ok, most days I love it but it is a little intense) and a boss I respect.  I have a great tight group of true friends and some I have never even met in real life but I know they have my back.  I am stronger mentally and physically than ever.  I have achieved things that "negative voice in my head" and even some real people in life said I would.  And I have the MOST AMAZING KID!

So here, on the eve of my 45th year, I sit happy with me.  And each year I hope to continue to make me an even better Monica!

For your entertainment, here is a picture of my adorable kid amend me about 40 years ago!