Thursday, May 14, 2015

I think my Ortho thinks I am nuts.........

There is a saying.... Nurses make terrible patients.  I can be one of those nurses that makes a terrible patient.  I try hard not to be.

Have not updated in a bit.

Arterial doppler was abnormal (haha, suprised everyone) and got a NEXT DAY appointment with a cardiologist from that one.  He was so confused by the abnormal results until I let him in on what my PCP and Ortho thought and then it was "UMMM, yeah- that makes sense AND it is pretty bad if that is what it turns out what it is based on what happened on the doppler".  "Just to be safe though, lets do a CT Angio to rule out a vascular issue."......  yeah... could I have the vessels of a 70 year smoker who mainlines fat?

PHEW- that was normal.  In fact, I think the Cardiologist said my vessels look "PRISTINE".

Was happy and excited.  Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome looks much better when the other option was needing bypass grafts in your legs.......

Been walking and keeping my pace low.  Overdid it one weekend w/ two back to back walks on a Friday evening/Saturday Morning that were both a little hilly and a little more than my "allowed miles".   Had some numbness the next day.  Sat my ass down for a few days and now back to behaving.

Saw the ortho today.  Figured would tell him all this and he would say "Let's watch it a little more".

Ummm, nope.  Told him all of above.  Guess who gets to have the fun test where they shove big needles in your legs, then pull them til the pain starts then have them shove the big needles back in.  YEP.  Apparently he does not like what I explained the Doppler showing (he did not get the results, only my PCP and cardio did) especially with the numbness after being a bit too aggressive.

He was able to do a bit more sleuthing in my medical records (that heavens for connected hospital EMRs and such) and the kind of scarring I get should not be an issue if we decide surgery is the treatment for this.

Bad news is he thinks I will need surgery for this.  The "fun" test will give us the information to be 100% certain that the diagnosis is correct AND severity.  Then we will make an educated decision about the surgery.  If the test is normal.....well there are some other fun things it could be and will be more fun testing like nerve exams, MRIs and bone scans to look for weird muscle things, nerve issues or a atypical stress fracture.   But he (and cardio and the pcp) all are pretty convinced of the diagnosis.

So....why does he think I am crazy.  We finish discussing all this and he says "Any questions?"  Asked about elliptical (yes, slow and try to limit to 30 minutes and stop immediately if it hurts), rowing (Yes, and might be a great alternative as it uses the upper leg muscles, back/core and arms more than calves).  Then the big question.  "So I deferred or gave away all my races but one.  I would like to do the Warrior Dash 6-14 if you think it will not cause irrepairable harm".  He laughs "An Obstacle Race......"  Hey, I cancelled two Spartans since burpees  and HUGE ASS HILLS are a no-no.

His answer is typical doctor.  "I can't tell you it is a GREAT idea to do it.  I won't say you can't.  You have to race smart.  Don't run between the obstacles-walk and save your legs.  Be careful with the climbing.  If it starts to hurt or you get any funny numbness/tingling, tripping- STOP.  IMMEDIATELY.  If you do that, then I think you can do it without any risk of making this worse/permanent damage"

So......   I focused on the very last part "I think you can do it without any risk of making this worse". (HEHE)

No but he did say seriously he feels if I do it at a walking pace and am careful and that I agree to stop if it starts to hurt- then he would probably do it too.  (Love docs who get it).

BUT....he said it is contingent on the fun stab me w/ needles test.  If he sees something on that out of what he is expecting, he reserves the right to change his answer.  (Gosh, you mean I don't get a guarantee?)

The logistics of scheduling this are fun because he will be doing the test himself, needs to get the equiptment and wants to do it over at the field house they use (yes, my ortho apparently has space at a field house) and I am in the midst of chaos at work.  Should be a logistical fun house.

SO....keep your fingers crossed peeps that the test shows CECS, it isn't horrid enough that it requires me to park my butt on the couch until he can fix it and that I can be smart until then.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Runner Down..... Today's lesson - Pain does NOT make you stronger

Sorry I have been MIA for a bit.  Work has been insane and my training has been a struggle due to pain.

I have been fighting leg pain for a while.  (6-9 months....)  It started as a nagging pain that would start towards the end of a long run and go away when I stopped.

Over time, it got to starting within the first 1/2 mile and would take longer and longer to go away.

It reached a new level in intensity about a week ago.  And only took 30 seconds of running.

So off to the doctor I went- figured it was shin splints but wanted to be sure I didn't have stress fractures. Figured that was unlikely since it was both legs and more beside my shins than in them.

Stop #1 was my PCP.  Got the head shake...nope, not shin splint and not stress fractures.  His guess was Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome (CECS).  Having worked in ortho I knew what acute Compartment Syndrome is BAD and after consulting my go to medical sites I learned that CECS is not good either.

Many of the symptoms matched mine.....including the foot drop which is a sign it is pretty significant.

PCP ordered venous and arterial dopplers and sent me off to the ortho. Venous was normal (it was a stat test to rule out clots) Arterial doppler study and ortho were this Wednesday.

Went into the ortho and to keep his mind open, did not mention what the PCP thought, only that he did not think it was shin splints.

After he asked me why it took 9 months to see someone (ummm, because I figured I am a chubby runner...that pain was normal) he says "It is likely one of two things- stress fractures which are not a likely thing based on exam but we will do xrays just to be sure OR it is CECS."  SHIT.  Xrays normal.

Asked if he thought I should do the arterial doppler.  Sure- will rule out a few other things and if it is severe enough, it can actually prove the CECS and make it so we don't have to do the actual test.  (Picture someone taking some needles and stuffing it into your calves/along your shins to measure pressure, then run on a treadmill for 5 minutes and then do it again at 1 minute and 5 minutes later.)

So-treatment for now is anti-inflammatories, ice calves and shins after exercise, and the crap part........ 6 weeks of no running.  Can walk SLOWLY (20 minute/mile pace) or swim or bike at a Moderate pace.  Can keep lifting as long as I keep the weights reasonable (apparently a 60 pound squat is moderate) and reps within reason.  Basically 1 hour of exercise per day and that is it.

So...... most all my races for the year are out.  May be cleared to do the Warrior Dash in June since it is only 3 miles.  Spartans are DEFINITELY out.  Hills apparently are NOT my friends either.

This leaves me a bit down but trying to remind myself that it is much better than many people endure.  I can still exercise moderately.  I can still lift.  Ortho thinks we can avoid surgery if I agree to be reasonable.

AND..... he says if I am good and patient, I could maybe run short distances in 6 months......  but nothing over 3 miles forever no matter what.  Apparently not everyone can be a runner.

HOWEVER AGAIN- this is just a blip.  I am still on my journey.  I am still healthy and loved.  I can live with going slower in life.  Plans are to take the $$ I would have been spending on races and such and instead take swim lessons.  I have a nice bike and a car that can carry it.  Hmmm......maybe I can save up and buy a kayak.

Who knows...maybe I will enjoy taking life at a slower pace.

(**And if you are having pain- please don't ignore it--- please get it checked out.)

Saturday, February 7, 2015

iRun4Brody and He inspires and helps push me!!

WOW. For those who have followed me a bit, you know I belong to iRun4- a great organization that matches runners w/ children or adults who cannot run due to health issues.

I have the privilege of running for Brody Born a Heart Hero​!

As many know, February is all about love and hearts and this week is Congenital Heart Defect Awareness week and so Brody has given me a challenge this week for him!

"I challenge you in honor of Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week (February 7-14, 2015). To add 13 additional miles to whatever your intended workout week would have held.
7 miles for this being the start of CHD Awareness Week!
2 miles for the amount of Open Heart Surgeries I've had so far!
3 miles for the amount of Cardiac Catheterizations I've had so far!
& 1 mile for the one amazing bond I have being paired with you!

13 although to some an unlucky number seems to be how I came about receiving my congenital heart defect (unlucky) as little is known about the cause, and as well there is no cure, as surgery is not a cure, contrary to what many may think... although it does help.

Love Your Heart Warrior,
Brody Born a Heart Hero

I am cheering you on Monica's Miles-A Chubby Girl's Journey to Fit and Fabulous!! You can do this!!!  Heart Hugs"

When called to action- what can you do but STEP UP YOUR GAME!!

So... I never actually "plan" my miles.  (haha I am a terrible person that way....kinda just go where the mood takes me.....Maybe this will start to change that too!!)

To meet the challenge I am going to do 13 miles more this week than last week!

Last week my totals were:
walking  2 miles
elliptical  20.45 miles
running  2 miles
row .62 miles
Total 25.07

So.... this week I need to log a total of miles.

Today I got started on that in a BIG way- I rowed 0.62, ran 1.05, walked 1.45 and biked 6.45.  SO.... starting the week with 9.57

This kid is just what I need to keep me motivated and pushing forward as I kick start my training for the races coming up.

I mean ......  Look at him- how can you say no?

Sunday, February 1, 2015

2015 Update- WHY am I doing this, how do I stay motivated and if you are considering making a change...where to start

Had a call from an old friend today and it was a reminder that maybe I have new followers.  Or maybe you have lost your way (weigh)?

His questions to me were "How did you get started and why?  HOW do you stay motivated after nearly two years?  How do I get started?"  We talked for a little while and I really hope it helps get him going.

This is a little rambling but it is the honest side of me!

Lets start with the WHY?  Honestly, I wanted to make a change.  I had just turned 40.  BUT even more important, was starting to see more and more of my friends having illnesses related to being inactive.  Starting to lost classmates to heart attacks.  Having friends losing their parents to disease.  My son is the most important thing to me and I do not want to leave him any earlier than I have to.

How did I get started?  Well, after a few fits and starts I just started doing it.  Started with walking, then eventually running.  (See my blog around July 2014 for my start of ACTUAL running.) I joined a gym.  I got a trainer.  I started signing up for races and obstacle course races.

Why did this help?  I hate wasting money.  I also hate failing.  AND, I really, REALLY hate pain.

If I am spending the money on the gym and the trainer, I will go.  If I don't work out except w/ the trainer there is no point.  If I don't watch what I eat, there is no point of any of it.  If I don't work out regularly and train hard, I will SUCK at the races and get hurt at the obstacle course races.

Food is as important as working out by the way.  If you work out hard an hour a day you may burn 500 calories.  BUT, if you don't watch what you are eating, you could be easily consuming 3500.  I know this because one of my first steps was to log EVERYTHING I eat.  I was eating between 3000 and 3500 calories a day.  I was lucky I didn't weigh even more!

The trainer also pushed me harder than I thought I could until now I push myself just as hard.

Probably the newest tools in my toolbox?
1. My Fitbit- I do challenges w/ my sisters, friends, others to try to beat them on steps.  Keeps my butt moving because while I don't always win, I REALLY HATE BEING LAST!

2. PACT- it is an app where you basically "bet" against yourself.  My PACT is I will log 4 days per week and I will work out 3 days per week.  For any I fail, it costs me $10 PER DAY!  (again I hate wasting $$)  If I succeed, I get to split the pot from any "losers".  I make about $1.25 a week.

Is it easy? NOPE.  Still isn't and I still fail.  I was off track and lazy from October to now.  Why?  Huh, no RACES on the near horizon.

Race season gets going hard core in May.  I have one every two weeks starting May 3rd through June 14th.  I have some smaller ones planned to but these are the BIG ones.  Then another Spartan in August.

What should you do to get started?  The first thing is SEE YOUR DOCTOR FOR A PHYSICAL!

You need to make sure your blood pressure and heart are ok. Make sure they check your thyroid, cholesterol, blood glucose and depending on how much you have to lose, HgbA1c.  You want to make sure there is nothing you need to work on medically to start safely.  If you are gal- make sure you get your pap smears and mammograms if you doctor recommends it.  Also ask your Gyn if you need to be checked for PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) as it can affect how you hold onto weight and lose it.  It is more common if you are overweight and it makes your body love your fat.  It can also cause your female hormones to be off leading to MANY other parts of you.

Then start SLOW.  Do not start working out 7 days a week and cut your calories to 1200 and become paleo or remove large parts of your diet.

If it has been a long time, start with walking 20 minutes 3-4 times per week (Walk 10 minutes in one direction from your house and then turn around at the 10 minute mark and come home.)  Log EVERYTHING you eat.  I use MyFitnessPal- feel free to friend me there- I am MeAndConnor there.  Just like you wouldn't get in a car and start blindly driving if you didn't know where you were, you can't figure out what you need to change in your diet if you don't know how many calories you eating right now.

OK- this is probably enough for now.  Please feel free to comment if you have questions or if I can help you?  I watch here and on my Facebook Profile.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Oh my...... Have I really been that much of a slacker?

Decided to come over here and update the blog as I was updating my monthly mileage total and my Virtual Mission for my iRun4 Buddy Brody.  

How has it been over 6 weeks since I was last blogging?

What has happened in that time?

Well.....Got in a car accident (not my fault) and my car got totaled and had to buy a new one.

Been dating someone now for almost 3 months.

That someone reminded me the other day I might want to step up my game as I have some big races in 3 months.  (Haha and in my mind I thought I had 6 months...... )

Trying to firm up the rest of my races.

My schedule is a bit nutty so far.

As far as big races I have planned:

May 3, 2015----The Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon (Part of a relay team...I think I am doing 7.5 miles)
May 16, 2015---Indianapolis Spartan Sprint.
May 31, 2015----Rockford 10k. 

June 14, 2015----Warrior Dash

August 16, 2015----Chicago Spartan Sprint (Oh man.... moved from end of September....this is gonna be a hot race)

Finally starting to find my mojo and my rhythm again.

Discovered that I LOVE Rowing!!!  What a great full body and cardio workout at the same time.

Now to just keep it moving-  Current goals are: get lighter, stronger, faster and ready for the races!!!

(Oh- and scale is FINALLY going the right way- down 3 pounds so far in just under 2 weeks!)

Will try to be here more.  If only to keep myself accountable.