Thursday, April 16, 2015

Runner Down..... Today's lesson - Pain does NOT make you stronger

Sorry I have been MIA for a bit.  Work has been insane and my training has been a struggle due to pain.

I have been fighting leg pain for a while.  (6-9 months....)  It started as a nagging pain that would start towards the end of a long run and go away when I stopped.

Over time, it got to starting within the first 1/2 mile and would take longer and longer to go away.

It reached a new level in intensity about a week ago.  And only took 30 seconds of running.

So off to the doctor I went- figured it was shin splints but wanted to be sure I didn't have stress fractures. Figured that was unlikely since it was both legs and more beside my shins than in them.

Stop #1 was my PCP.  Got the head shake...nope, not shin splint and not stress fractures.  His guess was Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome (CECS).  Having worked in ortho I knew what acute Compartment Syndrome is BAD and after consulting my go to medical sites I learned that CECS is not good either.

Many of the symptoms matched mine.....including the foot drop which is a sign it is pretty significant.

PCP ordered venous and arterial dopplers and sent me off to the ortho. Venous was normal (it was a stat test to rule out clots) Arterial doppler study and ortho were this Wednesday.

Went into the ortho and to keep his mind open, did not mention what the PCP thought, only that he did not think it was shin splints.

After he asked me why it took 9 months to see someone (ummm, because I figured I am a chubby runner...that pain was normal) he says "It is likely one of two things- stress fractures which are not a likely thing based on exam but we will do xrays just to be sure OR it is CECS."  SHIT.  Xrays normal.

Asked if he thought I should do the arterial doppler.  Sure- will rule out a few other things and if it is severe enough, it can actually prove the CECS and make it so we don't have to do the actual test.  (Picture someone taking some needles and stuffing it into your calves/along your shins to measure pressure, then run on a treadmill for 5 minutes and then do it again at 1 minute and 5 minutes later.)

So-treatment for now is anti-inflammatories, ice calves and shins after exercise, and the crap part........ 6 weeks of no running.  Can walk SLOWLY (20 minute/mile pace) or swim or bike at a Moderate pace.  Can keep lifting as long as I keep the weights reasonable (apparently a 60 pound squat is moderate) and reps within reason.  Basically 1 hour of exercise per day and that is it.

So...... most all my races for the year are out.  May be cleared to do the Warrior Dash in June since it is only 3 miles.  Spartans are DEFINITELY out.  Hills apparently are NOT my friends either.

This leaves me a bit down but trying to remind myself that it is much better than many people endure.  I can still exercise moderately.  I can still lift.  Ortho thinks we can avoid surgery if I agree to be reasonable.

AND..... he says if I am good and patient, I could maybe run short distances in 6 months......  but nothing over 3 miles forever no matter what.  Apparently not everyone can be a runner.

HOWEVER AGAIN- this is just a blip.  I am still on my journey.  I am still healthy and loved.  I can live with going slower in life.  Plans are to take the $$ I would have been spending on races and such and instead take swim lessons.  I have a nice bike and a car that can carry it.  Hmmm......maybe I can save up and buy a kayak.

Who knows...maybe I will enjoy taking life at a slower pace.

(**And if you are having pain- please don't ignore it--- please get it checked out.)

1 comment:

  1. Pain comes to you to remember your body that there's something wrong. I suffered shin splints for almost 10 years. It was so painful experience. You need appropriate exercise program for this kind of problem. If you want you can find useful information at Good luck !
