Sunday, September 25, 2016

Fall is here and more than just the leaves are changing

Phew, summer is winding down.  I am looking forward to less humidity when I run that is for sure.

Had some crazy things this summer with friends and family that has made me really look at my life and how I am living it.  I will be 44 in less than a month and if I want this body to give me another 44 years, I really have to start taking better care of it.  Back to logging my food more, making better choices and hitting the gym.

My PCP will be glad to hear I am trying to get in the meditation and yoga too.

The other thing I often feel I am missing is a purpose.  While my life is not perfect I have so much more than others.  I have wanted to try to find a way to give back and to make a difference.  Wasn't sure how or where that would be.

Funny thing how sometimes a chance meeting brings a new opportunity.

Yesterday I ran a race called "Be a Hero to a Hero". I had decided to do it as it supports military members struggling w/ coming home.  It was close to home and thought it would help keep me motivated in my running.

It was a small race.  An adorable 9 year old little girl decided to run with me the whole time and we chatted (well, as much as I can talk and try to run) and it reminded me of the first time I ever ran.

After the race, I found out her Dad was the Veteran who organized the race.

Fast forward to the post-race party.  Talked to all the people who ran the event, their families and the owners of several other veteran owned businesses and organizations.  I cannot even explain how amazing these people are.

Today I sent an email to the organizers of the race to see how I can become more involved.

So, if you are looking for some great people here are the organizations I met yesterday.  (I am trying to get more involved in A Warrior's Mind but boy, Sheep Dog Impact is amazing too.)

A Warrior's Mind-  Military focused and support

Sheep Dog Impact Assistance-supports military, law enforcement, fire and other service persons

Find a purpose and a passion.  It helps you to remember that even your bad days are not that damn bad.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

I will not eat my stress, I will not eat my stress, I WILL NOT EAT MY STRESS

So, been almost 3 months since I blogged.  Have been minimally more active on my linked FB page.

So, here is my status.....

So far this year, I completed a Spartan Sprint, a local 5k and then the RockNRoll Chicago.  Each one showed my how far I have fallen from my prior fitness level.

I have also survived and pretty much finished the migration of our computer system at work for my department.  The stress is not yet over as all my reporting has to be redone/revamped/rewritten and for the next few months it will be blending data from my old to new system.  Needless to say, stress level is still kinda high.  Trying to remember that I have to take time for me.....   I have not been putting myself first (or probably even second or third or fourth....).

This weekend I dug back out the food scale, the tape measure, my workout log book and updated all my stats in MyFitnessPal.  The numbers are not good but they are not horrid.  I am up a total of 13 pounds from my lowest weight in Jan 2014 BUT been pretty steady for the last 12 months.

So now to start working the plan again.  I need to start logging daily, getting in my cardio and weights (Cardio has been so-so but have not touched weights in MONTHS...) and getting back to yoga and meditation.

Funny thing is it was a simple chat w/ two guys who helped me really get going on this journey that reminded me why I needed to get back to it.

I am not sure Ian and AJ will ever realize how much of an impact they made on me and how much confidence it gave me.

I miss the feeling that the gym bought me and how much healthier I felt.  As I have slacked more and more, the migraines and achiness I used to have is creeping back.

 Hopefully, I can keep my focus and keep pushing on.  Feel free to ask me how it is going, nudge me, push me because I need someone to help keep me going.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Crap.....fell off the wagon again

Hey there,

For many on this journey this will sound familiar.... Fell off the wagon again.  Didn't really lose ground but was not working out as much as I should, lost my mojo and just was not "feeling it".

Spartan looming, races coming up and just wasn't feeling it.


Work pressure are INSANE are the biggest one.  I leave work so mentally fried the last thing I want to do is cook, prep, workout.

But that is the thing.....  when I am on track, when I eat right and work out I sleep better.  This hel.s me manage the stress better.

Yet I still got off-track and stopped making me a priority.

So what has me working at it again? (Aside from my Spartan is 3 weeks from today..)  Had someone tell me how much I was inspiring them and they missed my post.  Had another person tell me they could tell just looking at me that I seemed to be hanging on by a thread.  Had the inner thigh of my favorite jeans blow out.  (Come on my lady friends.... you know this sucks- mind you they were about 7 years old so really overdue but dammit)

So yesterday was gym and a long walk.

Today I will be getting outside again.  And tomorrow.

Thankfully I have not gotten far off track and the scale/measurements are the same. (Actually while the scale is up 3 pounds, muscle mass is up 4 so thank you pushup challenge.  Cuz yeah- MY DAMN CHEST MEASUREMENTS ARE UP.  Sorry, not where I want to see gains will understand if you have ever seen pics of me.)

Took this first picture last night on my walk- Spring is in full bloom and it is time for new beginnings.

The second is me and the kid on Mother's day (my "now") and the last is me 3 years ago.  This is where I want to be back to.  I am not that far off weight/measurement wise but the drive and "Headspace" is where I need to get to.

Like Yoda said.... "There is no try, there is only do or not do".  Gotta DO IT!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Shame, life changes and keep pushing forward!!

Ok, so it has been 2 months since I posted but today was inspired to write by a post in one of the FB pages I belong to.

The post was very inspiring about if you dream of doing a big race/distance don't be afraid just because right now you are only able to do a few miles.

What it reminded me of is the flip side of that you sometimes see when you start a workout journey- the fact that in some people's minds if you "only" run 5ks and 10ks you are afraid to do a big race (such as a half or full marathon or an ultra marathon-which is anything over 26.2 miles and often are 50 or 100 miles long).  That if you start doing weights you have to try Crossfit.  That if you do xyz you must move on to the next level.

Here is what I want to say- NO- you don't have to.  Your fitness is your journey.  If you love running 2-3 miles but never want to do a race- DON'T.   If you love to lift, are meeting your goals- you don't have to do Crossfit.  If your workout is walking, you do not have to run.

The goal is to do what makes you feel good!  These days people are constantly pressured to do the next big thing.  I am here to say focus on your journey and your goals.  Think about your health and talk to your Doctors about what is realistic and safe.

Me?  I am a 5k to 10k kinda girl (3.1 to 6.2 miles) for runs and I do run/walk intervals.  Would I love to be able to run the whole thing?  Sure.  Do I care if I forever stay doing intervals.  NOPE!!!  My pace is about a 14 minute mile.  If it stays there forever, I am ok with it.

I have scaled back my race plans for this year after looking at my goals for this year and where I want to be next year.  I want to be in a healthier place both physically and fiscally and racing is expensive so I picked three races that are mean something to me.  (Spartan as I just love it, RNR as it is the first race I ever actually ran in and Fort2Base).  I see all my friends posting their races and I will admit I am jealous.  But I have bigger goals I have to remember.

(That said, I will take any free races someone wants to give me lol.)

So..... the blog heading alludes to life changes.  Nothing radical in the way most people think.  Started treating with the doctor I mentioned in my last blog and trying to look at my life and make positive changes.  Some are hard for me (begin a meditation/relaxation practice) and some are just an adjustment (scale back my workouts to 1 hour per day because with the stress levels I have, too much exercise can be just as bad as too little).  I could write about this for a long time but this post is already getting longer than most want to read.

Oh....and yoga- I have started yoga.  THAT is big change for me.  If you know me in real life, for me to be in a room full of people for 60 minutes and be quiet- you understand why Yoga is hard.

For those looking for a relaxation/meditaiton practice but not sure where to start- I am doing the below 21 day challenge that starts on March 21 with Deepak Chopra and Oprah. It is free so if you are thinking about it, give it a try too.  It is a meditation that is to help with Weight loss.  This is an interesting concept of mind/body and that being QUIET can help you lose weight.

Have a great day!!

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Welcome to 2016..... Sorry I have been away so long

SHOOT- have I really not updated my blog since May?  Ok- here is a quick recap-

Did have CECS, had surgery, got it fixed and TOTALLY FELL OFF THE WAGON.  I got in a slump and slowed to a near stop on working out, on following a healthy diet, on running- Towards the middle of December I finally started finding my "mojo" again and started hitting the gym.  I was up nearly 20 pounds since my lowest.....  So started looking at myself and what I was doing which leads us to today....  Today- January 9, 2016.

First off- I have had a HELL of a jump start to my fitness this year.  Lost a bet on a football game and had to put in the miles for the difference in the score. NU lost to UT 45 to 6 meant I owed him 39 miles...... luckily the guy I bet gave me a few outs- 1- all miles counted-bike/walk/run/elliptical. 2-he gave me til today to get it done (the game was 1-1-16) and lastly- if I couldn't do it- I could pay him $3 a point I didn't do.  SCREW THAT!  Not only did I do the I ended up at 46.18 for the month.

Here is the break down:
Bike 25.64
Run 10.48
Walk 2.61
Elliptical 7.45

Now.... what brought me back to the blog.

Most people through work have different "health" initiatives.  For ours, if we go to certain lectures etc- we can get points that mean an entry into a raffle for $500 to $5000.  There was one near my house today called "Healthy Lifestyles and Weight Loss".  I figured I would go- I expected it to be the same old/same old- Move more, eat less, drink this shake, take this pill and you will be thin.

NOPE.... it was an MD talking who reminded me what I used to do.  What I needed to get back to.

Being healthy and this journey can't just be about the food and exercise.  The mind is as much a part of the battle as the body.

I used to mediate to reduce my stress.  I used to try to do many things to keep my stress in control.

I stopped doing it.  And my headaches are back, the weight is back, my focus is off.

So taking the time to get back in line.

Will go to the other two lectures in the series.

I feel like my eyes are open and my mind is ready to begin again.

Because this is a JOURNEY- there is no single destination.  There is no single right path.

The doctor today talked about the basis of any healthy lifestyle is TEA


If you don't pay attention to all three- you are out of balance.

His other thing you need to remember is RPM - Rise, Pee, Meditate- he is an MD with strong roots in eastern practices, teaches yoga, believes in accupuncture, and chiro.  That Medicine needs to also be rooted in many things, not just the Western philosophy.  I have been looking at different options for many things as "normal" medicine does not work.  We have started using essential oils in our home.  We have been trying to improve the quality of the food we buy and consume.

Food can be medicine, so can exercise. Sometimes your best cures are NOT from the Walgreens.

This is likely enough for today.

I promise it won't be another 8 months before I come back.

Will try to share the skills I learn and such.

(For those interested in more about the speaker- his name is Dr. Ric Saguil and his Website is  He has a lot of videos on there and a blog.  Working my way through some of his stuff)