Sunday, September 25, 2016

Fall is here and more than just the leaves are changing

Phew, summer is winding down.  I am looking forward to less humidity when I run that is for sure.

Had some crazy things this summer with friends and family that has made me really look at my life and how I am living it.  I will be 44 in less than a month and if I want this body to give me another 44 years, I really have to start taking better care of it.  Back to logging my food more, making better choices and hitting the gym.

My PCP will be glad to hear I am trying to get in the meditation and yoga too.

The other thing I often feel I am missing is a purpose.  While my life is not perfect I have so much more than others.  I have wanted to try to find a way to give back and to make a difference.  Wasn't sure how or where that would be.

Funny thing how sometimes a chance meeting brings a new opportunity.

Yesterday I ran a race called "Be a Hero to a Hero". I had decided to do it as it supports military members struggling w/ coming home.  It was close to home and thought it would help keep me motivated in my running.

It was a small race.  An adorable 9 year old little girl decided to run with me the whole time and we chatted (well, as much as I can talk and try to run) and it reminded me of the first time I ever ran.

After the race, I found out her Dad was the Veteran who organized the race.

Fast forward to the post-race party.  Talked to all the people who ran the event, their families and the owners of several other veteran owned businesses and organizations.  I cannot even explain how amazing these people are.

Today I sent an email to the organizers of the race to see how I can become more involved.

So, if you are looking for some great people here are the organizations I met yesterday.  (I am trying to get more involved in A Warrior's Mind but boy, Sheep Dog Impact is amazing too.)

A Warrior's Mind-  Military focused and support

Sheep Dog Impact Assistance-supports military, law enforcement, fire and other service persons

Find a purpose and a passion.  It helps you to remember that even your bad days are not that damn bad.

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