Sunday, August 27, 2017

Fort2Base-I stand with our Military

Today was probably my favorite "Annual" race.  Fort2Base 3 NM (which means 3.4 miles).

Why do I love this race?  Aside from the fact it is the best run, most organized race I do?

This race is held each year on the Great Lakes Naval Base which is our nation's Boot Camp for the Navy.  They have troops from all branches serving.  

When you stand at 7am watching the flag raised on a base, you cannot help be proud.  To see officers and enlisted come out to cheer us on.  The sheer POLITENESS of every single member of the military you meet.

There are a lot of current, retired and disabled personnel out running with you.

Shortly after we start, a group of Navy personnel come out running to cadence.  They always catch me.  I run with them as long as I can and my pace peters out and I watch them pass.  It is an amazing sight.

This year the Navy stepped up their game and the water stops were a sight to behold.  We have some VERY fine looking people serving.

You come around turns and see amazing views of Lake Michigan.

There is one amazing downhill where I feel like I am able to truly be a RUNNER! (8:47 pace). About a mile later there is a HELL Hill that keeps me humble.

At the finish you receive your medal from on officer from the military, in full dress whites or blues.

They are all around to take pictures too.  And don't complain your all sweaty.  And stinking up their dress uniforms.  (And lean down because he was CRAZY tall!)

I thanked every service member I passed for their service and every volunteer.

I may not be fast.  I may not ever be able to handle the 10NM.  But until I can't do it, I will be doing this each year.

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