Monday, September 30, 2013

Fall, the final month of 40, and why I really hate my teeth.

Went out for a run to clear my head tonight and it felt like fall.  It also struck me that, unless I leave work early this is the end of long runs on week nights.  Finished at 7pm and the bike trail took on a VERY creepy darkness.

It was so beautiful though how quiet and still the woods were.

I am now less than 3 weeks to being 41 and looking back 40 has been pretty damn AWESOME!

Right now I am stronger than I have been in years, love my job, my child, my family and friends.

Here is where I have to say "Ugh".
The joy if your 40's is that it seems all your filings from your childhood turn to crap.  Now in process of 2nd root canal.

(This s where I will also learn how many of my medical professional friends are reading this blog and still paying attention.)

Apparently the 1st round of antibiotics and pupal debridement did not kill said abcess.  Last few days the pain has been coming back and this fun dizziness.  So, called and changed to Clindamycin.

Decided to run today anyway.

The more I ran, the worse the dizziness seemed.  Kicked back to a brisk walk and as long as I breathed slowly and with my mouth closed all was good.  The cold air would cause the world to tilt a bit on it's axis.  If I tried to look to the left without moving my head and it was like the Maxtrix.  BUT I NEEDED TO CLEAR MY HEAD AND THE TRAIL WAS SO PEACEFUL.  So I pushed past mile 1.  Well.....  By mile 2 it got worse....  As long as I looked straight ahead....  Fine.. Eyes to the side.. HAHA.....the world got a little sideways.

The fat ME and the nurse ME were recommending stopping and calling someone to come get me.  The "I really want to be a skinnier, runner" ME, she said "it's ok, just maybe don't run at all, walk faster and look straight ahead".  Made it home, pace was slower than my normal (19/mile vs 16/mile) but I didn't fall over or pass out cold.  Knees buckled a few times.

Guess I will hold off running until the new antibiotics kick in!  Think I will tell the trainer no jumping either tomorrow since it seems jumping/jostling makes it so much worse!

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