Sunday, December 29, 2013

14 Goals for 2014

14 goals for 2014

1.  I will reduce my overall debt by a minimum of 5%
  • This means no NEW debt
  • Paying off or down the balances on everything I currently owe to have overall debt on 12-31-14 5% less than 12-31-13
2.  I will reduce my body fat % by 5% overall  (Goal=35% body fat)

3.  Get my cholesterol under 200 with diet alone!  (No more meds!!)

4.  Double "organized" Run/Walk miles from 70k in 2013 to 140k in 2014 (87 miles)

5.  Double "organized" bike miles from 20 miles in 2013 to 40 miles in 2014

6. Total Running Miles for 2014 > 400 miles by 12-31-14

7.  Total Biking Miles for 2014 > 400 miles by 12-31-14

8.  Running pace below 14 minutes per mile for any distance less than 7 miles by 12-31-14

9.  Complete a 15k in less than 2 hours 15 minutes by 10-20-14

10. Jump rope for 3 minutes without stopping by 12-31-14

11. Improve my Single Arm Power Clean and Jerk to 45 pounds (3 sets/12) by 12-31-14

12. Do 100 pushups ON THE FLOOR in under 3 minutes by 12-31-14

13. Read 12 non-fiction books by 12-31-14

14. Eat Cleaner!  Decrease my reliance on processed foods, prepackaged meals and carryout.  

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Weird and Stupid Injury!!

I give, I am not quitting running or working out.  I am giving in to the fact that I have an injury.  

Do I have a cool story like I rescued a child from a burning building?  NOPE!  Felled by Push-ups!!!  

It is not a major one but is so damn annoying!!!

 Pulled an Abdominal muscle or tore an adhesion.  Started during push-up-sharp stabbing pain which we immediately stopped but pain is now a little worse 2 days later.  GRRRRRR!!!!!!  It is very superficial so my vote is adhesion-

Upside- elliptical and running don't make it worse.  Tried some lifts today....   Some are ok...  Some maybe not.  BUT-if I try to push up at all on that side.....let's just say there are words that rhyme with Duck!!!  Haha is I can stretch with no pain!!

To go see the trainer tonight or not.....  Guessing it will be NOT when I text him.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Mentally escaping, strange setback and being a mom!

We all have the ways we escape from stress or get away.  I would love to say for me it is running.  Well, sometimes it is running but my true escape and love is reading.  Been feeling the pressure creeping and sat down and read TWO novels this week.  Yup. TWO.  (Now, before you all think I skipped workouts and such....  it takes me only about 3 hours to plow through a novel.)  Part of me is thinking I need to see if there is anything good on the library.

From time to time, I just need to check out into a different reality.  Everyone get's that right?

Today's workout was less than fun.  Doing the new "FUN" thing- pushups on the floor.  4th one in and had this SHARP pain in my abs.  Like a hot poker being stabbed through.  Not kidding.  It was bad on the 3rd one, worse on the 4th and nearly hit the floor on the 5th.  Trainer's rule is if something HURTS, stop.  No working through pain.  Pain is STOP.  Achy/soreness/tension is one thing-Pain is STOP.  So stop we did.  But plenty of other things in the bag for the workout and we still rocked it for the hour.

So what has me so stressed that I needed to plow through 2 books in 3 days.  The kid.  If you know me, you know my kid and that he has HORRID allergies and for years had terrible food allergies.  Well, had a run of throwing up with no other problems 4 times in 6 weeks.  That means GI time.  He wants to repeat tests which means the kid is off his GI meds for a month so we get the best results on the test.  (Looking for things like allergic esophagitis, EOE, gastric hyperacidity........)  First 6 days were fine.  Day 7 was a bit of aching.  Day 8 was painful.  We are now at Day 12 and the pain is constant.  His best description "It feels like something is stuck in my throat and like I need to puke but can't".  And he is exhausted because it makes it hard to sleep.  And this cold weather and such is making his body ache.  AND to top it off, he had a small flare with his allergy shot today so he is sporting a huge and painful welt on his arm.  This is making me feel like a CRAPPY mom.  The test is not until 12-26 so we have 19 more days until the test and then a probe is left in for 48 hours so it will be 21 days before he can start back on the meds that help.

SO..... the next 3 weeks are going to just SUCK.  The docs OK'd something other than his usual GI meds (Zantac and Tums instead of Prevacid) but yeah....... . he said we might as well just toss them out the window for all they help.  (At least he is old enough to understand the why behind it.)

So if I am a bit moody and crabby...... it is because being unable to do something to help your kid, even knowing that we need the answers this test will give us, SUCKS!!!!!!!!