Sunday, December 29, 2013

14 Goals for 2014

14 goals for 2014

1.  I will reduce my overall debt by a minimum of 5%
  • This means no NEW debt
  • Paying off or down the balances on everything I currently owe to have overall debt on 12-31-14 5% less than 12-31-13
2.  I will reduce my body fat % by 5% overall  (Goal=35% body fat)

3.  Get my cholesterol under 200 with diet alone!  (No more meds!!)

4.  Double "organized" Run/Walk miles from 70k in 2013 to 140k in 2014 (87 miles)

5.  Double "organized" bike miles from 20 miles in 2013 to 40 miles in 2014

6. Total Running Miles for 2014 > 400 miles by 12-31-14

7.  Total Biking Miles for 2014 > 400 miles by 12-31-14

8.  Running pace below 14 minutes per mile for any distance less than 7 miles by 12-31-14

9.  Complete a 15k in less than 2 hours 15 minutes by 10-20-14

10. Jump rope for 3 minutes without stopping by 12-31-14

11. Improve my Single Arm Power Clean and Jerk to 45 pounds (3 sets/12) by 12-31-14

12. Do 100 pushups ON THE FLOOR in under 3 minutes by 12-31-14

13. Read 12 non-fiction books by 12-31-14

14. Eat Cleaner!  Decrease my reliance on processed foods, prepackaged meals and carryout.  

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