Wednesday, January 1, 2014

January 1st -> New Year, New Start and New Numbers

Starting the New Year with a new blanket of snow.
 Just like each of us- We have a clean slate to rebuild ourselves and our story!!!

Prior to the start of the holidays I had posted my weight and my plan to keep moving forward through the Holiday season and start the New Year without the weight most American's gain.

Well.......  I was betrayed by my body.  Nothing like the flu to kill your plans.

November 30, 2013:
Weight: 210.2
Hips 43.5
Right Thigh:25.5

January 1, 2014:
Weight: 211.2
Waist: 35.5
Right Thigh 25

So.......  Up a pound.  Rest of my measurements (there are a lot more I do- 11 total) are essentially the same.

Workouts?  I ran on Christmas day and then have barely moved since then.  

I use a BodyMedia which tracks my sleep, activity and basal metabolic rate.

While I have spent more time "laying down" and even "sleeping", the periods of awake in that time are much more often.

My daily calories burned is about 400 calories less than my "normal" daily.

My average mets went from 1.15+ per day to 0.85.  

Yup, I have sat on my butt.

It killed me!!  We had a 50 degree day here in Chicago and all I could do was look out the window and WISH I could run.

That is what I am taking and realizing that I have made that "switch" in my head from a sedentary/lazy life to a healthy one.

My mind is SCREAMING to go run.  To workout.  To hit the gym and sweat.  My body laughed hysterically and I was winded simply walking up the one flight of stairs to my bedroom.  I worry about the fact that I have not done strength training in 2 weeks and my butt is probably losing all the great new shape it had gained.  (Ok, 2 weeks could not undo all the hard work from the prior 7 months but I know that I have lost some gains and it will likely hurt like HELL once I get back into the gym)

Also, I did not give in to eating crap when sick.  I still tried to keep eating decent.  Not as clean as usual because I just didn't have the energy but did not resort to crap.

Today, I wake up feeling a little bit better.  Exercise is being provided by Mother Nature having covered my little corner of the world with  snow (lots of snow) to shovel.  Nice thing is I can do it in little bits so I don't overdo it.  Shoveling snow is a GREAT cardio workout and calorie burn.  And it is so bright outside.  (Ugh, and it is still shoveling.)

10 days to my 10k.  I won't lie and I am a little scared.  I am not sure how much running I will get in and looking at the weather reports, not sure ANY of it will be outside.  But.....unless the event gets cancelled, I will go do it and do my best.

2014 will be another year of pushing myself to the best me!  Of getting outside my comfort zone!

I posted earlier this week my 14 goals for 2014.  I think I will keep posting my progress weight/measurement wise every 3 months.  To keep me honest!!!


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