Sunday, March 30, 2014

FINALLY-it was spring!

This was the PERFECT end to my mini-vacation!  (Just 2 days off but awesome)

Thursday was errands and new running shoes (gotta love that right), dinner with an amazing gal, then an inspiration movie.  Friday headed out to my Dad's house for the weekend which always just helps relax me when I am feeling super tense.

Friday I put in a 5 mile run and today another 3.5.  It felt so amazing.

Add in that we had a PERFECT Spring day today- Sunny, 60, it was just what my sagging spirit needed.

Talked to several friends this week and we were all in the same boat.  This never ending winter just seemed to tank my will power, my drive to work out, the drive to eat right.

Hoping the large dose of sunshine today turns it around (and that more sunny days are not to far off.  I know it is a lot of work and there are setbacks.  In fact, saw this today and remember now why I need to stay the course-slow and steady, because it is a lifetime transformation and not a short sprint!

On a side note, today was also a glimpse of the man my son is becoming.  I had a tail light out on my car (which turned into three) and asked if he could change it.  I also wanted to have my license plate cover changed (NU Alumni!!!!) Asked him to help me and he just stepped in.  Found the maintenance section of the owners manual, changed the first one and got me to "press the brake" so he could be sure the light worked, found two more were out, changed those and took care of the license plate cover too.  14 years old!  I know a large number of grown men who would not be able to handle that!  SO PROUD!!!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Got Lucky!!!

No, I didn't win the lottery lol!

7k Today- Chicago Lakefront again- Windy and again....spots of ice.

BUT.........GOT A PR again. (And not just because it was my first time doing a 7k.)

To show how far I have come in the past year-

My first 5k last year (4-5-13), my pace was 17:49 minutes/mile

6 months ago my pace was 16:04min/mile

Last race in January I was so excited as I got sub-15 min/mile for the first time at 14:54/mile.  I was so VERY excited.

Today.......  DRUM ROLL PLEASE.....  14:03 minutes/mile.

I cannot wait for my next run on 4-5-14 as it will be a 5k and hoping to jump sub-14 now.

To some, this probably does not seem like a lightening pace.  But it is MY PACE and I am proud of it. To hold that pace for a 7k-- (which for those who struggle w/ metric is 4.34 miles)- and in parts where the course clogged and we slowed to a SLOW WALK due to ice.

My app showed a better pace and slightly longer course because it accounts for all the weaving and auto-paused if I had to all out stopped when I had to stop to tie my shoe..... (Yes, that is what pushed me over the 14 minute mark...darn shoes)

AND..... check out the splits--

 I still struggle with pre-run fueling and need to get better at it.  Legs started to cramp and I started to crap out just after the first mile-- Hammer Gel just about mile marker 2 and then things started to loosen up.  I think if I could get the fueling thing down right....   I could really rock some awesome times.

Gonna work on that for 3 weeks from now!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Didn't quite fall off the wagon but......

We all know what to do.  The formula is pretty simple- eat right, drink water, exercise.

Yeah.....  I have been in a rut for a while and been hit or miss on the food thing, the water thing and the exercise thing.  (And let's not even discuss where I am at on the supplement thing lol).

The scale has stayed stable so thankfully I won't say I fell off the metaphorical wagon but....  started sleeping like crap, the aches and pains have been coming back and my GI issues were slowly creeping in again.

Every day I would say "OK, today is the day I drink the water, cut the crappy carbs and focus.".....  and then didn't.

Woke up this morning feeling BLCH, bloated, lazy,crappy and hungry.  Decided would focus just on getting in more water before going for a run and having a healthy breakfast.  (Yesterday was "get more veggies").  In 2 1/2 hours, I lost 1.2 pounds.  Ummm...... fluid retention and other issues anyone? All I did was eat breakfast, cup of coffee and 28 ounces of water.

Felt better and went out for the run.  Legs felt like lead the whole way.  Wanted 4 miles, settled for 3.4

What is the lesson learned- my body likes cleaner eating.  It needs a higher than normal protein mix.  I need to take the supplements.  I NEED TO DRINK MORE WATER.  I MUST get in my fiber.

I have 6 days before my next race.  6 days to be true to myself and my body.  To refocus and refuel.