Saturday, March 15, 2014

Got Lucky!!!

No, I didn't win the lottery lol!

7k Today- Chicago Lakefront again- Windy and again....spots of ice.

BUT.........GOT A PR again. (And not just because it was my first time doing a 7k.)

To show how far I have come in the past year-

My first 5k last year (4-5-13), my pace was 17:49 minutes/mile

6 months ago my pace was 16:04min/mile

Last race in January I was so excited as I got sub-15 min/mile for the first time at 14:54/mile.  I was so VERY excited.

Today.......  DRUM ROLL PLEASE.....  14:03 minutes/mile.

I cannot wait for my next run on 4-5-14 as it will be a 5k and hoping to jump sub-14 now.

To some, this probably does not seem like a lightening pace.  But it is MY PACE and I am proud of it. To hold that pace for a 7k-- (which for those who struggle w/ metric is 4.34 miles)- and in parts where the course clogged and we slowed to a SLOW WALK due to ice.

My app showed a better pace and slightly longer course because it accounts for all the weaving and auto-paused if I had to all out stopped when I had to stop to tie my shoe..... (Yes, that is what pushed me over the 14 minute mark...darn shoes)

AND..... check out the splits--

 I still struggle with pre-run fueling and need to get better at it.  Legs started to cramp and I started to crap out just after the first mile-- Hammer Gel just about mile marker 2 and then things started to loosen up.  I think if I could get the fueling thing down right....   I could really rock some awesome times.

Gonna work on that for 3 weeks from now!

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