Thursday, April 10, 2014

It has been a crazy year!

One year ago, I decided I needed to make a change.  I started a blog.  I joined a gym.  This is something I have done before but I knew I needed a plan to be sure to stick with it.

I signed up for a bunch of 5ks and a 10k to total 27.2 miles - 1 mile over a marathon in little bits.

My first 5k was on 4-20-13 and my time was 55:15 (pace 17:50/mile).

Last weekend I had another race.  My 17th.  (OMG...that is nuts..... I did 17 races in less than 12 months.)

My time and pace?  43:55 or 14:08/mile.

I am so in shock at the change!  Over 3 minutes faster per minute!  I am fast.....not yet.  Am I going to get faster?  HELL YES!!!!!  

Worked out w/ my trainer again tonight and it felt so good!  Just thinking back over my journey this past year makes me VERY emotional.  My life is a whole new one and I don't EVER want to go back.

It is not just a physical change.  I am a stronger person physically and mentally.  I am excited by what I can do.

ME- 12 months ago:


The difference--- the loss of 40 pounds, a ton of inches, amazing amounts of blood, sweat and tears and I made a bunch of new great friends!

Thanks to everyone for reading this page and following me for my blogversary!