Sunday, August 24, 2014

Getting back on track.....

So, as I posted the other day it has been a bit crazy in my life.  Isn't that how it is for everyone?  We have the best of intentions but then life gets in the way.

So..... fitness-wise I have only done a few runs- A spur of the moment "Dirty Girl Run, The MELD run on 7-4-14, a Virtual Run and then yesterday I did a Color Blast 5k.

One of the coolest things I have had happen is I was matched through iRun4 with a Buddy.  I run for an adorable little guy named Brody.  Brody is 20 months old and born with essentially 1/2 a heart!  He is an amazing little guy and I dedicate all I do for him.  His family cheers me on and makes me feel more motivated to work out.  Brody is truly a Heart Hero!

That said, I have been inconsistent w/ working out w/ the trainer and working out on my own.  I have gotten in the miles but not the weight training I need to keep the scale moving.  My body is aching from slacking.  It NEEDS the training.

In my head I would tell myself "Oh, but w/ all the packing and moving I am getting in workouts". And my BodyMedia would show that my calorie burn was around where it needed to be.

BUT-- the scale started creeping up..... first a pound, then two.  I am now up 5 pounds from last October.  YIKES!!!  My clothes still fit so it may be transient. (It fluctuates between 3 and 5 the past few days)

But it is still up.

AND-- I am not feeling ready for my Spartan in 5 weeks.  I really, really need to find my motivation and my mojo.

One thing I did was take what I like to call "Accountability Pics."  Stripped down to my bra and panties and a few very personal selfies.  Front, side and back.  It is the first time I have ever done these but I really needed to do it.

This has helped me to realize that the belly bloat is creeping back.  Truly, our belly fat is made mostly in the kitchen, not in the gym and I KNOW my food has been bad.  Conviennce has won over quailty the last 6 weeks.

SO.... back to my supplements.  Back to MyFitnessPal and logging my food, back to REALLY being serious about working out at home and at the gym.

So hang in there my followers, I am rededicating myself to this journey. 34 days to Spartan (OMG!!!!)

OK, few pics from the last month- if you think of it, please hit me up from time to time to see how I am doing and help hold me accountable.  Food, Fitness and FUN!  Gotta get working on all three!
I think I am in LOVE with this pic!
I was actually teasing the Camera guy who
was WAY to clean "Come on, Don't you
want a hug?" but this pic just really makes me see
how far I have come physically and also self-esteem wise.
When I started this journey I would NEVER have been out in a
Tank-top and compression capris that tight nor
published the pics for the whole world to see!

MELD 4th of July 5 miler-PR at 14:00 min/mile
Door County 5k Hike w/ my Step-Mom Margi- WAS A GREAT WEEKEND!
Post ColorBlast 5k- SUPER Hot and Humid-
Popsicle not only hit the spot but matched me

Me and a few friends after the ColorBlast!
Congrats to my Friend Sandy for finishing her 1st 5k!

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