Saturday, August 30, 2014

What's SUP?

So, in an effort to do things that I am not comfortable with, felt I was "too heavy for" etc, today I tried something new again.  SUP- or Stand-up Paddle boarding.

Here were my fears going in:
-People will start at me as a big girl in a swimsuit
-I will not be able to balance even kneeling on the board
-My upper body would be too weak to paddle for very long
-My balance would not let me be able to stand up
-I would spend more time in the water than on the board
-Once I fell in, I would not be able to get myself back onto the board
-I would fall off and hit my head on something and knock myself out
-I would end up going round and round in circles because I could not paddle strong enough
-The poor instructor would have to rescue me and come get the darn board/paddle because I would not be able to get myself back to shore

But, I signed up.  It helped that a good friend of mine was teaching the class.  And that another friend agreed to come along and be my buddy (She is the one that did the great graphic above)

So, then we get there.   As you can see, the boards are BIG..... 11'6".  And it was threatening storms.....  (See dark clouds behind me)

After a lovely safety talk in which it became clear that my fears above are VERY normal.  Ok....was feeling a little better....but still nervous.  OMG, what was this girl thinking.  (Glance at my big pasty thighs......OMG.....What am I doing in the middle of this park w/ no shorts on.)

OK, finally we are getting in the water.  In the water nobody will see my thighs.  (Oh wait, we get right on the board.)  OK- so busy balancing I stop thinking about my thighs....(and that they are likely visible on any overhead GPS as they are so darn white)

OK......   out we go.  Hey, this paddling is not too bad.  (HMM....these things on my shoelaces are not comfortable digging in....might as well try standing up as the poor knees just don't like this kneeling and the lace cinch hurts)  HOLY CRAP-  I was able to stand right up.  NO PROBLEM!!! I GOT THIS!!! And I start paddling.  OK. This is going well too...... YES!  I am way out in front, I am across the pond.  Hmmm, time to turn.

SPLASH- got a little to cocky on the turn.  In I went.  Followed the directions that were given at the beginning of class on how to get up.  OK.... life vest and boobs are an issue.  Move a bit further back.  BAM!  And I am back on the board!

And cruising along.  It is so peaceful on the water.  My legs feel strong.  My arms and shoulders feel great.

Chatting w/ another person......  SPLASH.  YUP..... did it again- turned around to talk to someone.  Ummm, standing on a board.  Right back up first try.

All told only hit the water 3 times.  Got back up w/ no problem.  Towards the end we started messing around.  Was able to do Downward Dog on the board!  Was able to get the board out of the water myself.

Nobody stared at me.

I did not knock myself out.

Nothing I was afraid of happening occurred and instead the most wonderful thing did.....  I found a new pride in my strength.  My friend and I can't wait to do it again.  And maybe try kayaking?

Be bold, Be Brave, Be Strong my friends- you will be surprised how fun it can be!!

***IF you have an LL Bean near you, check for classes-well run and affordable- if you are near Hoffman Estates, IL- Cassi Ams is the BEST instructor!!!


  1. Great story....So glad you had a great experience. Cassi is an inspiration in all that she does. What a great instructor you had to keep you calm.

  2. Thanks! Can't wait to take more classes!!
