Tuesday, April 23, 2013

My SI Joint is a PIA

Things that annoy the HELL out of me.  I am trying really hard. Trying to exercise, eat better, improve my sleep and dejunk my house.  (No, that is not what is annoying me....)

So, last weekend 1st 5k Saturday and cleaned the basement and repainted by bathroom ceiling Sunday.  Now 2 days of horrid nighttime SI joint pain/sciatica.  So, backed off a little and just doing flat level walking at work.  Have session w/ my actual new personal trainer Thursday.  The one last week was just an orientation.  Do I cancel?  Thinking maybe I will still go and see if he can give suggestions on what to do when it flares besides the obvious "DON'T SPEND THE DAY AFTER A 5K MOVING BOXES AND SQUATTING TO PICK CRAP UP OFF YOUR BASEMENT FLOOR YOU IDIOT".

Next 5k is 2 1/2 weeks away and I totally want to beat my last time.  Gotta get this pain to stop so I can sleep. 

Other bitch of the day.  I am doing lots of going down stairs at work and some up.  (Usually down at least 26 flights and up 5-10).  Toning up-Yes, seeing changes in my body Yes.......  Bitchy part-- MY PANTS ARE GETTING TIGHTER BECAUSE MY THIGHS AND BUTTE ARE GETTING BIGGER DAMN IT.

That will be the other discussion for the Trainer Thursday.

Ok, done bitching.

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