Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Tour De Cure!

Today was my longest and hardest ride yet!  Today I did the ADA Tour De Cure.  I signed up on a whim and then started to have second thoughts...  WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING???  And then came the weather reports...  Rain and thunder and lightening!  And then the Blackhawks went into double overtime.

But, I signed up for it and people donated for it.  And I woke up this morning and the sun was shining and the weather was PERFECT!

And it is a cause that means a lot to me.  A lot of my family has Type 2 diabetes and that is part of what motivated me for this summer craziness of fitness- so I can hopefully avoid that.  

Also, my son's father and one of his cousins are Type 1.  That puts my son at risk to become Type 1 in addition to risk of Type 2.

They say by 2050 one in three Americans will have Diabetes.  It is a health crisis.

So I rode.  ALL 20 MILES!  I rode up and down all the hills.  I got to the last rest stop and skipped it because I feared I wouldn't have the ability to get back on the bike.

I felt GREAT when I got off.  And relieved.  And strangely, I felt like I wanted to cry.  And AWESOME!

Next up- The Dirty Girl on June 29th!

Before the ride-

Half-way point-  all the riders in the red jersey's were people riding with diabetes.  They are called the Red Riders!   A young man about 9 or 10 was in front of me for a good part of the ride- and he was a Red Rider!  He did the 20 miles too!  (I didn't take his pic as I didn't want his mom to think I was some weirdo.)

Here is me at the finish line.  So many people, such a great ride.  Thankful to my Dad and Margi for being there for me!

Worried about the next few days as I am already sore.  I will keep you posted and if I find any pics from the event from the public site I will share them too!

Oh-here is my times and the elevations!

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