Tuesday, August 6, 2013

My worst NOT running

Sunday- the weather was perfect-- a cool 68 degrees, low humidity, "I should go for a run" I thought.  "It will be great" I thought.

Well, not so much..........

Learned a few things though.

1.  If your running tights are too small, they will fall down every time you try to run.
2.  If you have sciatica, do not try to wear a fuel bag because wherever it sits...  the thing irritates the sciatica and makes you leg hurt.  Then you run funny......   Then it hurts more, then you run funnier, then you nearly fall.

So.... then I stopped trying to run.  Then came the long, slow walk back.  Managed to still get a half-decent pace of 18 miles per hour (which was sooooooo slow).

Gonna try again tomorrow.

Haha, and signed up for 2 more 5k's and contemplating an 8 miler the first weekend in November and a 5 miler at the end of November.


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