Friday, May 24, 2013

Oops, I did it again

That sounds so scandalous right?

Not so much,  instead, got an email from work and now adds a 20 mile bike ride to the Summer Insanity.  June is going to be BRUTAL.  

Newest adventure.....  The American Diabetes Tour De Cure.  Yep..  20 mile bike ride Lon 6-9-13.

That makes June a 5k Color Run, the Tour De Cure, and a Mud run. WHAT THE HECK WAS I THINKING!

I am just thinking there is so much that I spits me and hoping all this will keep me going.

So.... How many miles have I rode this year...  NONE.  Thinking I might want to bust out the bike this weekend.  

On an up note...  I am down 3 pounds this week.  Food is getting easier.  Bought new protein powder.  (Banana, orange, pineapple flavor..,.  Was told it is tasty,)

Tomorrow I think I will get up early and see how I do......  

(Crap... And I thought I had three weeks...  It is only two...  Haha.)

If you want to donate (since I MUST raise $200 to be able to ride...)

(New link- prior one was bad)

Friday, May 17, 2013

Take that whiney little negative voice in my head.....

Had to post again......

First....Grey's Anatomy was AWESOME.  Elliptical time goes so much better watching TV.

Now.....about the time.....  Goal was to make it through Grey's.  I was doubtful.  I was tired and the whiney voice in my head kept saying "forget exercise, read a book".

Here is what I ended up with:

Yep!!  Take that whiney voice.  60 minutes!  That's right!  SIXTY!

Working with a trainer they want you to stay in the "fat burning" range.  Do you know how hard that is?  Seriously!  Especially when buses are blowing up and you think they are about to kill off one of the HOTTEST guys on Grey's?

Managed 54:08 in fat burn, 5:44 in cardio training....

Take that whiney little voice in my head!

Oh how much I hate the 2nd day after resistance training....

Let me say..  I wish I could afford to see my trainer more than once per week.  He is great and helps keep me motivated.

I enjoy resistance training more than cardio.  I think many of us do.  What suck is that the 2nd day after resistance I look like a little old lady.  At present my thighs are killing me and am trying to assure myself I will not die or fall off the elliptical tonight and so I need to do my cardio.  I am telling the little voice SCREAMING "No, Don't do it....  It is gonna kill you" that it will be Ok....  That I will feel better afterwards.  That little voice tends to be a bit lazy and fears pain.  Well, telling little voice to go to Hell.  Gonna go get on the Elliptical and watch Grey's Anatomy to hopefully distract that little voice with some girly TV.  Goal is to last through the whole show.  43:13 per HuLu.  I will let you know if about an hour if the little voice was right or wrong.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Feets of Strength 5k May, 11, 2013

I must be a bad omen for weather and races.  Or at least...... less than seasonal.  It is the middle of May.  It was 48 when I left the house.

Through the course of the race the temperature remained steady, the wind picked up and every once in awhile, it drizzled.  Best part; 1.  I did not put a shirt on under the Tech T-shirt that was in the goodie bag  2.  I decided to leave my jacket in the car because I was CERTAIN it would get warm and I would be too hot and didn't want to carry it and 3.  The shirt was big so anytime there was a brisk wind, it went straight in the arm holes and I felt like I was nakie it was so cold!!

That said, it was a beautiful course - Mooseheart has a gorgeous campus.  Throughout the event, there was a bald eagle flying over head and it was so nice and peaceful. Usually, I fall right between the true runners and the walkers so I have stretches where I do not see anyone in front of me.  This time there was a few other people keeping the same pace with me so it helped pull me along.

The cause is an important one.  Feets of Strength supports the Royal Family Camp where physically and sexually abused children can go to feel safe and be with other's who understand what they went through.  The saddest statistic they shared today was that more than 5 children die in the US everyday from child abuse.  This is up from 3.3 per day only 12 years ago.  If you think a child you know is being abused, report it.  If you want more information on Royal Family Camp, go to

Now.....  I was bad this week. I did not follow my normal eating plan and did ZERO walking.  It definitely made the first mile rough.  Then just after that, the legs loosened up and I found my stride.  The other "lesson learned" is that I need to do more walking on different surfaces and grades.  This one was lots of rolling hills. Not sure what is worse- up the hill or down the hill.  Last lesson (and I can hear all my fit friends and my trainer groan at this part)....... A Venti Caramel Latte and a Banana is NOT a good breakfast before a 5k.

However, all that being said..... I had a better time than last month!!!  Official Finish Time was 52:25:87 with a pace of 16:53.  Shaved 2 minutes and 50 seconds off!!!  Still working to goal of 45:00.

So, it looks bad that I was 169 of the 174.  HOWEVER, that was of the registered RUNNERS!!  There were about 100 walkers behind me.  And, it is 52:25:87 faster than everyone who never started!!!

So, while I am sore and tired it was a great day!!!  Tomorrow is Mother's Day.  This was my gift to myself.  To keep working harder and getting fitter.  Off to email the Trainer with things I want to focus on next workout.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Struggling with Will Power and Motivation, and then it arrived in a most unexpected wayl!!!

It has been a rough week.  We all have them.  Kid has been sick.  Work computer went to crap.  SQL has not been my friend.  Stress has me not sleeping.  I could keep listing "reasons" but they are really excuses.  They are.  I have not done ANYTHING physical since Saturday and today is Thursday!  This is BAD.

Worse, I have been eating things I had been avoiding.  Sunday..... CAKE, last night..... Pop Tarts.


I have stayed in my calorie range but still..... not exactly the "Clean" eating I was trying to do.

Plus, again no exercise so very little calorie deficit.

This week just seemed to be sucking all the motivation out of me.

Then, came encouragement and motivation when I least expected it.

First- at work and two of my VERY awesome coworkers pointed out to me how great I was looking and how they could really tell my hard work in my Ass area!!.  (Thank you Anna and Joey!) OK - seems weird and we all quickly said "and please do not consider this something in the sexual harassment area since we are all heterosexual females...."  HAHA!!  Kinda put a little boost in my step but I will still thinking about the Snickers Ice Cream bars the kid has in the freezer and the piece of leftover cake in the Fridge (damn you Margi Forss...........).

For those following the blog know I am doing 7 5k's and a 10k.  I am a bit stressed about this.  It is looming.  Part of the "UGH" of these events are Packet Pickup.  SO.... for two I was lazy and paid to have the packet delivered to me at home.  The one I worry about most is my Women Rock 10k in September.  One would think this would motivate me.  Not so much this week.

Get home, still thinking of cake and ice cream and open my mail box.  In there is  package from Team Ortho (the group doing the WomenRock 10k).  It is my Bib and Swag for the run.  An awesome performance T, a performance jacket and the ticket for a free glass of bubbly after the event.  It all is awesome Hot Pink/Grey/Black.  And I put it on.  Mind you, I ordered the biggest size they had but as it they are Women's sizes......  let's just say it is a big more snug than I like.  (Think an UnderArmour Compression shirt..... except it is not a compression shirt.)  

There is my MOTIVATION!!!  I have HOT gear for an event in just under 20 weeks.  I need to get down 20 pounds (or more?) and tone up so I have less jiggle in my wiggle so I can look great in this gear.  There is nothing less forgiving than performance T-Shirts.

I would like to say I was so motivated that I jumped right on my Elliptical and cranked out 20 minutes but......  I need a good night sleep first.  I did make MUCH better food choices tonight and have a 5k on Saturday.  I made this picture the lock screen on my phone too so every time I think about making a bad choice, I can think again about how much I want to look GREAT and toned in this gear, not like a hot pink burrito!!!

I LOVE FUCHSIA! (if you have seen my last 3 pairs of shoes, they have been grey or black w/ fuchsia!!!!)

I am going to ROCK that WomenRock event!!!!!!!  Look out!  (I might even drink that glass of bubbly at the finish line, possible migraine be damned!!!)
