Friday, May 17, 2013

Oh how much I hate the 2nd day after resistance training....

Let me say..  I wish I could afford to see my trainer more than once per week.  He is great and helps keep me motivated.

I enjoy resistance training more than cardio.  I think many of us do.  What suck is that the 2nd day after resistance I look like a little old lady.  At present my thighs are killing me and am trying to assure myself I will not die or fall off the elliptical tonight and so I need to do my cardio.  I am telling the little voice SCREAMING "No, Don't do it....  It is gonna kill you" that it will be Ok....  That I will feel better afterwards.  That little voice tends to be a bit lazy and fears pain.  Well, telling little voice to go to Hell.  Gonna go get on the Elliptical and watch Grey's Anatomy to hopefully distract that little voice with some girly TV.  Goal is to last through the whole show.  43:13 per HuLu.  I will let you know if about an hour if the little voice was right or wrong.

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