Thursday, July 18, 2013

Keeping me humble........

I had not planned to write until after this week's 5k but tonight........   it was a "milestone" night between me and the kid.

He knows how hard I have been working out.  He seems to be happy about this.  We go to Dicks Sporting Goods to look for a Kettlebell for me to work out at home.

I see a very big one that has an 16 on it... .thinking "BOY, that seems awfully big for a 16?"  (Yes, I have since realized most are kg, not pounds).

I try to pick it up... DEFINITELY not 16 pounds.  My normal is a 26 pounds (unless AJ lies.... he tried to give me a 35# last week...sneaky bastard.)

Kid grabs it "What, this is super light" and asks what I do w/ it.  I grab the one above it and show him a kettlebell swing.  He does it NO PROBLEM w the 16.  (Which, for those non-metric friends of mine is the 35 pounder AJ gave me and I could not swing last week)  He then grabs then next one marked 20.  (45 pounds......)Yup, he could swing that too but just needed to put a bit more UMPH into it.

For those thinking 45 pounds is not that much....... I suspect you have not done a Kettlebell swing. Or are not a novice/getting back in shape 40 year old woman watching her 13 year old child do this...........

He now wants to get some stuff here to work out with.  He has flat-out does not want to go to the gym with me but is good about the elliptical so........ I guess I now have to build weight into the budget.

(We got an adjustable kettlebell so we can just add or remove weight for me vs him for now.  It can go up to 50 pounds and at 13 I do not want him swinging more than that.)

This week has been such a humbling week with this child.  He is now taller than me, stronger than me and likely smarter than me.

(OMG, and started shaving this week too............  glimpses of days to come.)

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