Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Dirty Girls and Dirty Dogs...

WOW-this past weekend was super DIRTY!! 

Saturday was the long awaited Dirty Girl Run!  What a BLAST!!!

I was super worried about my lower body strength when I should have worried about my upper body!!!  Lots of pulling myself over walls and crawling!

The temperature was a bit cool too and by the end we were shivering!!  (And of course muddy!!  Thanks to Michelle and Theresa for hanging in with me!

Then Sunday had to run help the kid wash his dogs at his Dad's due to one getting sick on the others.  Love those dogs to pieces!  Have the best of having a dog (playing with them and exercising them and RARELY have to deal with the icky part)

We got plenty wet and had a lot of laughs trying to convince them to stand still long enough.  (3 dogs-2 are full Rotties who hate bathes and a lab/pit who LOVES to play and shake water everywhere). 

This is Gunnar-he was the one who was on the receiving end of most of the mess and who truly hates water made worse by some numbness issues he has.  The yard is my son's Dad's....  Such a great place for a boy and his dogs!

Cleaning the crates....not so much but still doable.

Then we went to put them away......

Bad judgement on my part led to me getting caught up in one of the dog tie-outs and a nasty burn/bruise.  Seeing my trainer tomorrow for some options until it heals and thankful I have 3 weeks til my next race!

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