If you are in Facebook with me you know I am working with a trainer at XSport Fitness. (His name is AJ and he KILLS ME, in the best possible way.). They are having a contest similar to Biggest Loser- prize is $50k for the national winner.... Biggest % weight loss in 3 months. Well...... AJ and I are going to give it a shot. I think he is hoping to at least have me win their club so he has bragging rights. Figure this will give me that extra UMPH heading into the home stretch to my birthday.......
So, going to be kicking it up another notch and get more serious about it. 3 months from now is weigh-in. 222.6 on the scale today. Where will I be in 3 months? Not sure but it would be awesome to not only be in better shape but to have $50k to celebrate it with!
Strength, Endurance, Will power AND luck to you my friend! I am inspired by how far you have come so far, and I know you can do this!