Saturday, November 30, 2013

The part of the Holiday season this Fit Gal dreads....... The Holiday FOOD!

When you think of the holidays, what comes to mind?

Let's be honest..... Food is a big part of it.  I know it is for me.  I come from a family of GREAT cooks and bakers.  Add to that I work in the Health Care industry and every Tom, Dick and Vendor sends food to the office.  And my coworkers love to bake.

Let's look at the  risky spots.....

  1. The food pushers seem to target you.  Seriously- we all know them.  The people who seem so sweet but you almost think they are on a secret mission to destroy the self-control you are so desperately trying to cling to.
  2. Any horizontal surface at the office---  Loving coworkers and their spouses bake.  It makes them feel good.  It ends up in the office kitchen, at desks, at times it seems like every horizontal surface in sight.
  3. Office meetings and gatherings..... MORE food.  There are gatherings and meetings and each comes with treats.
  4. The office holiday parties.  Enough said- food you have no control over, at times alcohol and MORE BAKED GOODS
  5. Vendor food at the office......  the send cookies, candy, seemingly harmless popcorn tins.
  6. Holiday get togethers with family and friends.  We celebrate holidays with our friends, our family and food. (And sometimes booze.......  sometimes lots of booze.)
Depending on what article you read, the average American gains between 1 and 5 pounds over the holiday season.  Looking back over my life..... I think it is at times closer to 10.

SO.......  Need to make a plan.

Am I going to skip everything festive and fun. NO!  And I going to be that person who does not eat anything and sits there eating a protien bar and drinking something from a blender bottle.  Haha, I don't think that is reasonable either.

What are my plans to stave off the dreaded holiday gain? (And actually try to even lose a little.  I am just over 10 pounds away from a big milestone)

I am going to eat at clean and healthy as I can at every chance.  This means at home and non-party situations keeping it within counts and focusing on my Protien/Carb/Fat ratios.

I am going to log more workout time.  In November I logged a total of 17 hours over 19 workouts.  Need to up the time, number AND intensity.  If I know I have a risky food day coming up, making sure the day before, day of and day after I push water and work out HARD.

Remind myself each time I sit down that while people may feel slighted if I don't fill my plate and gorge myself to a food coma, most of my family and friends are very understanding of how hard I am working and don't judge.  Most have healthy options.  

And if I slip/indulge/overindulge- I won't use it as an excuse to keep sliding.  Each morning I get up and remind myself why I do this, why I WANT this.  This is not about self-sacrifice, being the "perfect" eater/exerciser.  It is about working to be a healthier, fitter me.  I am human, I am a work in progress.  I will slip.  I am allowed to have cheat days.  So long as they don't become cheat weeks.  As long as my cheat days are not 5,000 calorie free-for-alls.  

AND-- Never, EVER wear loose/fat pants to a place where there will be too much food.  I need to wear a pair of pants that fit well, shirts that are not too big.  Not just because if my pants fit that it hurts to eat too much.  More because it shows off my hard work.  Every time I go into a bathroom or pass a mirror, I see the hard work literally reflected back at me.  Nothing like a reminder of the WHY.

So  today, for the first time, I am posting my actual weight, waist, hip and thigh measurements for the world to see.  This is hard for me as I still am a ashamed of the numbers.  BUT- when I look at what they were a year ago..... I am a proud.  I will be posting the post-season numbers on January 2nd, 2014.

Weight: 210.2
Hips 43.5
Right Thigh:25.5

Thursday, November 28, 2013

2013 Rockford Turkey Trot (NOT)

This morning I did the Rockford Turkey Trot.  As always, I learned a few things......  

  1. If a running group hosts a run, has it at a VERY hilly park and lists it as a trail run--- It is NOT your standard 5k.  (Hence the "NOT" in the post title....hard to trot when struggling to climb hills and breath)
  2. LLBean makes amazing traction slip-ons when running up and down icy wooded trails
  3. Apparently karma likes to help adjust your time if you do a good deed.

My AWESOME friend Brenda Sheehama and her daughter Dominique again braved the Illinois weather to run with me.  8:00am, picked up packet.  Stood huddled next to a grill for the next 70 minutes waiting for the 9am start and trying not to freeze to death.

Race start ran a bit behind but 10 minute is not too bad considering there were almost 1000 runners.  In the woods.  In the winter.

I was TERRIFIED of a trail run.  Terrified of falling, of SUCKING.  

My posted time on the website is 41:04.  That is NOT my time.  Not close.  I was about 2-3 minutes behind my friend who finished at 49:51. I am rolling with 51:04 for my records.

In truth, I have no idea what my actual time should be.   I really ended up coming in about 20 minutes after Brenda because a nice elderly lady fell and I stopped and sat with her until the ambulance came. (She was OK but w/ her history of significant back problems, age of 70-something and "I don't think I passed out" made me think I would wait to make sure she stayed put.) I think Karma took my time and shaved off a bunch to make me feel better.

Up until that point, it was an interesting run and want to do it again when it the trail is NOT covered in ICE.

I think I may branch out into more trail runs.  It was so wonderful being out there, in the beautiful sunshine, pushing my body in a different way than I ever did.  IT FELT SO GOOD!!!!!  I like it so much more than street running.  In the woods, on the dirt, at spots only 1 person wide........  not great for a race but really, really great for the mental space.

This race was different in that the "winner" was not based on speed but instead closest to your predicted finish.  This meant no little voice from MapMyRun telling me how long I had run, or my pace, or how far.  There were no mile markers.  It was not a up and back.  I had my Shuffle for music and just ran. (well, and walked......  especially on the hills)

So, in addition to the "normal" things I am thankful for (family, health, safety) I have a new "Thankful".

I am thankful  I stepped outside my comfort zone, even if it was accidental, to discover what an amazing experience a trail run is and how it really, really made me feel more connected to my body, to my run, to nature.

(Hat from 2013 Rockford Turkey Trot.  Shirt from  I love my new shirt.... I got it to remind me to keep working out, keep running, keep focused so I don't end up looking or feeling like a stuffed turkey.)

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Baby, it's cold outside -Running in Cold temps, high winds and surrounded by kids of idiot parents!!!!

Kim Miller, me, Brenda Sheehama and Dominique Sheehama

Yesterday was my 12th event of the year- The Jingle Bell Run.  Had been looking forward to it for several reasons.  Was running with a few friends I had not seen in a while and it was for a great charity. (The Arthritis Foundation).

It was NOT a fun race.  I loved seeing my friends but the weather and the event left something to be desired.

Let's start with the weather......   It was 19 degrees and wickedly windy.  The course was on the very far west edge of Rockford so when I saw windy, I mean bitter, blowing and coming at times it seemed from every direction.  I dressed well so once we started it was not too bad except for any exposed skin and realized I need better gloves.

Then, the run itself.  As noted above-it was hideously cold.  Standing at the start, it just was bone aching cold.  Glad for the extra shirt and knee high socks I pulled on.  Looking around, the wardrobes of others left me shivering.  Shorts and a t-shirt?  Really?  What worried me was the children who appeared to be in only a pair of track pants and maybe 1 shirt and a fleece jacket.  Some were already talking about how cold they were.

So we start to run.  Every time I thought the wind could not get better, that at some point it should be at my back.....  NOPE.  At what I would guess was 1/2 of a mile (more on this later) I start hearing kids sobbing behind me.  Begging their parents to let them turn around.......  "Please Mom, I am freezing-I can't feel my lips.  The mother quickly tells them "you wanted to do this and I paid good money for it so you will finish it". Ok....  I am an adult, I wanted to quit it was so cold and a quick glance behind me my guess is the children are MAYBE 8-10 years old.  And no hats, gloves or scarfs.  "Please turn around" I am thinking in my head and try running a little faster so I don't turn around and yell at this mother.

Going up a hill it starts to really suck.  Wind is bad.  Come up on two kids, maybe 7 and 8-9 the older child is trying to hug the little boy into her coat as he is SOBBING.  No adult with them.  Not enough clothes between the two of them to keep one of the warm.  Again no hats, gloves or scarves.  My blood is boiling.  I ask the kids if we can call someone.  THEY DONT KNOW THE PHONE NUMBER OF THE PERSON WHO BROUGHT THEM.  I tell them we should be almost to an aid station, when we get there we can see if they can get someone to drive them back to the finish.  Trying to get the, walking and keep them moving.  The boy stops crying at least.  I tell them we have to be near the halfway.  Another lady is there walking her dog now we have caught up to.  She can tell I want to go faster but not leave these kids.  I quickly explain they are NOT mine and I am not sure where the adult is.  She agrees to walk with them until they come to the aid station or she can get them to one of the cops on the route.  I take off again.  The annoying little coach voice from MapMyFitness tells me for the second or third time I am behind my goal pace.  I HATE HER at that moment.  Almost as much as the adults who turned these children out on this cold day to run alone!

I wish those were the last of the crying children.   I would pass several more.  And near the end, it was old kids......  Yes, it was that cold and windy.  I don't think I could have my eyeballs were frozen.

WORST RUN COURSE EVER!  No mile markers-not one.  No aid stations (despite there was supposed to be TWO!). Most of the course volunteers (when you saw one) were inadequately dressed teenagers.  3.48miles.  No photographers anywhere in the course or at the finish.

Had hoped to PR.  Came close-missed it by 40 seconds.  If I would not have slowed to talk to those children I would have knocked it out easily.  Do I regret it?  No, humanity over huberous every time.

Towards the end I saw the cars and minivans, hazards on heading back into the course.  I am hoping someone finally got someone to go collect the poor frozen children.

Got out today for 2 miles.  Felt good!

Next up--  Turkey Trot 5k on Thursday.  Temps will be about the same but less windy.  I sure hope so.  This one is all grass and trail so not expecting a PR for sure.  It is currently my last of 2013.  Really wanted to set a new PR so may have to do "just one more".  Or maybe it will be my lucky #13?

Saturday, November 16, 2013

A soggy, sucky run and a wardrobe malfunction!!!

UGH......  my first race in a while and it went ABSOLUTELY HORRID!!!

Let's start with- it was supposed to be lovely out, low 50's, no rain until later today.

NOPE!! It was 46 degrees and drizzly.  AND WINDY.  I think at one point I would have been going backwards if I would not have been pushing so hard.

Then there was my wardrobe.  Took off running, make it 20 steps- pants immediately start falling down.  Not just a little saggy.  They are falling down.  Slowed down, hiked them up and pulled them up as well as I can.  Then tried again- NOPE, same result.

Tried tucking my shirt in.  NOPE.  Thought, OK- I will run and see what happens.  It is not like they will fall all the way down.  Had on a long shirt so figured, they will stop at my hips.  Kept running.  OK, when they hit my hips the kept going.  When they hit the middle of my cheeks.... I gave up running.  I could not run bare butt.  Not happening.  SO, moved to speed walking.  Ran the last bit because my pants were so glued to me from the cold/wetness they couldn't go too far and "WORK BITCH" came on!!!  One cannot just WALK to that song.

Survived the wind and the rain and ended up 50:13.  Pace of 16:12/mile.  #142/154.

My dear friend Cassi explained-- this is why you need to be sure all your running pants have ties on them.  So as you lose weight, your pants do not fall off when you try to run.

Quick trip to Sports Authority and scored a new pair that tie and are fleece lined so I do not freeze my butt off next weekend.

Not my PR but is one of my fastest actually.

Still chasing the 45 minute time.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Turkey Time!

Wow, seems odd to be taking about Thanksgiving isn't it?

I was looking back at the blog and adjusting my year totals (haha, because I signed up for another 5k so I will do 3 5ks in 10 days......  It seems to be a sickness.)

This time of year staying on track becomes a struggle.

I now come home in the dark.  I can't even get a 30 minute run in after work.

Unhealthy food is EVERYWHERE- You go from Halloween and candy to Thanksgiving which comes with tons of food and pie.

Then Christmas which seems to be a 5 week expedition to see how many baked goods, candy and other carb loaded crap foods.......

So using these three 5k's to keep me focused and have ordered a new shirt to keep me focused.

And then, to remind me-- ordered this shirt (Obviously NOT me in the shirt...waiting for mine to arrive)

Working to surround myself with fitness events, plans with friends (not involving food or drink) and spending quality time at the gym.

Will update you after the run on Saturday!  (Please no rain or horridly freezing!)

Thanks for reading!


2014 Races - for anyone who wants to join me or cheer me on!!!!!

For those following this, I post my events so if anyone wants to join me you have the info.  You can come cheer me on or run with me!!!

My goal is to double the miles I did last year so..... I need to do:
135k (84 miles) in run/walks
40 miles in bike rides

OH MY-- It is lofty goal but going to try my damnedest!!

Here is to a great year!

1-11-14  Chicago Polar Dash                                                                             10k
Supports: Shriner's
Location: Chicago Grant Park/Soldier Field
Distance options: 5k, 10k, 14 mile

Total planned for 2014

5k          (None yet)
10k        1
Other     (None  yet)

Total Distance: 10k

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Gloomy, grey and falling off the wagon

I was humming along, doing fairly well with my food and working out and then WHAM......  hit a bump and fell right off that damn wagon and it rolled over me!!

I could list a bunch of reasons.... Halloween Candy, Bridal Showers, the fact that Illinois seems to have become the land of perpetual grey and rain....  The end of Daylight Savings Time...  Shorter days and longer nights.. The Fitness Manager leaving my gym. (My trainer is still there but the FM helped keep me motivated too) It is darn cold out.

But they are not reasons, they are excuses.  BULLSHIT excuses.  So I am back on track.  Watching the food, drinking the water, hitting the gym, the elliptical, getting outside if there is daylight and dryness. Got the darn candy out of the house. Back in FOCUS.

I think everyone has these and the biggest challenge is not giving in, not giving up.

And what turned me around? Having someone ask ME for advice on how to do it.  Hearing them tell me how I have showed them it is possible, inspired them.  

How can I give in, wallow, get lazy if I could be the reason why someone is ready to take that first walk, the courage to look at what they are doing and asking for help from me.  

Sometimes I get frustrated and think "Is it worth the work, the sacrifice, the time, the energy, the money".  Honestly, in my mind I know it is worth it for me.  But if this little thing I am doing then creates a ripple and touches someone and helps them be brave enough to start to make the change-how can I stop?!  There could be someone out there watching, waiting to see if this is something they could do.

So, if you are one of those out there reading this, thinking "it is too hard and takes too much work"- while it is hard and takes a lot of work- but honestly having people tell you how amazing and inspiring you are makes it worth even more.  

So, I have flipped the wagon over, loaded up and moving on.

So...... leaving you with this thought- if there is someone who moves you, inspires you, keeps you going-- TELL THEM- you might be the voice I needed to hear the other day that helped me get back up on that wagon and carry on.

(p.s.- the results of my 12 week challenge at the gym-15 pounds/ 6.7% weight loss in 12 weeks.)