Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Gloomy, grey and falling off the wagon

I was humming along, doing fairly well with my food and working out and then WHAM......  hit a bump and fell right off that damn wagon and it rolled over me!!

I could list a bunch of reasons.... Halloween Candy, Bridal Showers, the fact that Illinois seems to have become the land of perpetual grey and rain....  The end of Daylight Savings Time...  Shorter days and longer nights.. The Fitness Manager leaving my gym. (My trainer is still there but the FM helped keep me motivated too) It is darn cold out.

But they are not reasons, they are excuses.  BULLSHIT excuses.  So I am back on track.  Watching the food, drinking the water, hitting the gym, the elliptical, getting outside if there is daylight and dryness. Got the darn candy out of the house. Back in FOCUS.

I think everyone has these and the biggest challenge is not giving in, not giving up.

And what turned me around? Having someone ask ME for advice on how to do it.  Hearing them tell me how I have showed them it is possible, inspired them.  

How can I give in, wallow, get lazy if I could be the reason why someone is ready to take that first walk, the courage to look at what they are doing and asking for help from me.  

Sometimes I get frustrated and think "Is it worth the work, the sacrifice, the time, the energy, the money".  Honestly, in my mind I know it is worth it for me.  But if this little thing I am doing then creates a ripple and touches someone and helps them be brave enough to start to make the change-how can I stop?!  There could be someone out there watching, waiting to see if this is something they could do.

So, if you are one of those out there reading this, thinking "it is too hard and takes too much work"- while it is hard and takes a lot of work- but honestly having people tell you how amazing and inspiring you are makes it worth even more.  

So, I have flipped the wagon over, loaded up and moving on.

So...... leaving you with this thought- if there is someone who moves you, inspires you, keeps you going-- TELL THEM- you might be the voice I needed to hear the other day that helped me get back up on that wagon and carry on.

(p.s.- the results of my 12 week challenge at the gym-15 pounds/ 6.7% weight loss in 12 weeks.)

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