Saturday, November 16, 2013

A soggy, sucky run and a wardrobe malfunction!!!

UGH......  my first race in a while and it went ABSOLUTELY HORRID!!!

Let's start with- it was supposed to be lovely out, low 50's, no rain until later today.

NOPE!! It was 46 degrees and drizzly.  AND WINDY.  I think at one point I would have been going backwards if I would not have been pushing so hard.

Then there was my wardrobe.  Took off running, make it 20 steps- pants immediately start falling down.  Not just a little saggy.  They are falling down.  Slowed down, hiked them up and pulled them up as well as I can.  Then tried again- NOPE, same result.

Tried tucking my shirt in.  NOPE.  Thought, OK- I will run and see what happens.  It is not like they will fall all the way down.  Had on a long shirt so figured, they will stop at my hips.  Kept running.  OK, when they hit my hips the kept going.  When they hit the middle of my cheeks.... I gave up running.  I could not run bare butt.  Not happening.  SO, moved to speed walking.  Ran the last bit because my pants were so glued to me from the cold/wetness they couldn't go too far and "WORK BITCH" came on!!!  One cannot just WALK to that song.

Survived the wind and the rain and ended up 50:13.  Pace of 16:12/mile.  #142/154.

My dear friend Cassi explained-- this is why you need to be sure all your running pants have ties on them.  So as you lose weight, your pants do not fall off when you try to run.

Quick trip to Sports Authority and scored a new pair that tie and are fleece lined so I do not freeze my butt off next weekend.

Not my PR but is one of my fastest actually.

Still chasing the 45 minute time.

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