Thursday, November 28, 2013

2013 Rockford Turkey Trot (NOT)

This morning I did the Rockford Turkey Trot.  As always, I learned a few things......  

  1. If a running group hosts a run, has it at a VERY hilly park and lists it as a trail run--- It is NOT your standard 5k.  (Hence the "NOT" in the post title....hard to trot when struggling to climb hills and breath)
  2. LLBean makes amazing traction slip-ons when running up and down icy wooded trails
  3. Apparently karma likes to help adjust your time if you do a good deed.

My AWESOME friend Brenda Sheehama and her daughter Dominique again braved the Illinois weather to run with me.  8:00am, picked up packet.  Stood huddled next to a grill for the next 70 minutes waiting for the 9am start and trying not to freeze to death.

Race start ran a bit behind but 10 minute is not too bad considering there were almost 1000 runners.  In the woods.  In the winter.

I was TERRIFIED of a trail run.  Terrified of falling, of SUCKING.  

My posted time on the website is 41:04.  That is NOT my time.  Not close.  I was about 2-3 minutes behind my friend who finished at 49:51. I am rolling with 51:04 for my records.

In truth, I have no idea what my actual time should be.   I really ended up coming in about 20 minutes after Brenda because a nice elderly lady fell and I stopped and sat with her until the ambulance came. (She was OK but w/ her history of significant back problems, age of 70-something and "I don't think I passed out" made me think I would wait to make sure she stayed put.) I think Karma took my time and shaved off a bunch to make me feel better.

Up until that point, it was an interesting run and want to do it again when it the trail is NOT covered in ICE.

I think I may branch out into more trail runs.  It was so wonderful being out there, in the beautiful sunshine, pushing my body in a different way than I ever did.  IT FELT SO GOOD!!!!!  I like it so much more than street running.  In the woods, on the dirt, at spots only 1 person wide........  not great for a race but really, really great for the mental space.

This race was different in that the "winner" was not based on speed but instead closest to your predicted finish.  This meant no little voice from MapMyRun telling me how long I had run, or my pace, or how far.  There were no mile markers.  It was not a up and back.  I had my Shuffle for music and just ran. (well, and walked......  especially on the hills)

So, in addition to the "normal" things I am thankful for (family, health, safety) I have a new "Thankful".

I am thankful  I stepped outside my comfort zone, even if it was accidental, to discover what an amazing experience a trail run is and how it really, really made me feel more connected to my body, to my run, to nature.

(Hat from 2013 Rockford Turkey Trot.  Shirt from  I love my new shirt.... I got it to remind me to keep working out, keep running, keep focused so I don't end up looking or feeling like a stuffed turkey.)

1 comment:

  1. Love to see how you are expanding your horizons and growing as a person through your fitness journey... but also not losing sight of who you are. Proud of you.
