Sunday, November 24, 2013

Baby, it's cold outside -Running in Cold temps, high winds and surrounded by kids of idiot parents!!!!

Kim Miller, me, Brenda Sheehama and Dominique Sheehama

Yesterday was my 12th event of the year- The Jingle Bell Run.  Had been looking forward to it for several reasons.  Was running with a few friends I had not seen in a while and it was for a great charity. (The Arthritis Foundation).

It was NOT a fun race.  I loved seeing my friends but the weather and the event left something to be desired.

Let's start with the weather......   It was 19 degrees and wickedly windy.  The course was on the very far west edge of Rockford so when I saw windy, I mean bitter, blowing and coming at times it seemed from every direction.  I dressed well so once we started it was not too bad except for any exposed skin and realized I need better gloves.

Then, the run itself.  As noted above-it was hideously cold.  Standing at the start, it just was bone aching cold.  Glad for the extra shirt and knee high socks I pulled on.  Looking around, the wardrobes of others left me shivering.  Shorts and a t-shirt?  Really?  What worried me was the children who appeared to be in only a pair of track pants and maybe 1 shirt and a fleece jacket.  Some were already talking about how cold they were.

So we start to run.  Every time I thought the wind could not get better, that at some point it should be at my back.....  NOPE.  At what I would guess was 1/2 of a mile (more on this later) I start hearing kids sobbing behind me.  Begging their parents to let them turn around.......  "Please Mom, I am freezing-I can't feel my lips.  The mother quickly tells them "you wanted to do this and I paid good money for it so you will finish it". Ok....  I am an adult, I wanted to quit it was so cold and a quick glance behind me my guess is the children are MAYBE 8-10 years old.  And no hats, gloves or scarfs.  "Please turn around" I am thinking in my head and try running a little faster so I don't turn around and yell at this mother.

Going up a hill it starts to really suck.  Wind is bad.  Come up on two kids, maybe 7 and 8-9 the older child is trying to hug the little boy into her coat as he is SOBBING.  No adult with them.  Not enough clothes between the two of them to keep one of the warm.  Again no hats, gloves or scarves.  My blood is boiling.  I ask the kids if we can call someone.  THEY DONT KNOW THE PHONE NUMBER OF THE PERSON WHO BROUGHT THEM.  I tell them we should be almost to an aid station, when we get there we can see if they can get someone to drive them back to the finish.  Trying to get the, walking and keep them moving.  The boy stops crying at least.  I tell them we have to be near the halfway.  Another lady is there walking her dog now we have caught up to.  She can tell I want to go faster but not leave these kids.  I quickly explain they are NOT mine and I am not sure where the adult is.  She agrees to walk with them until they come to the aid station or she can get them to one of the cops on the route.  I take off again.  The annoying little coach voice from MapMyFitness tells me for the second or third time I am behind my goal pace.  I HATE HER at that moment.  Almost as much as the adults who turned these children out on this cold day to run alone!

I wish those were the last of the crying children.   I would pass several more.  And near the end, it was old kids......  Yes, it was that cold and windy.  I don't think I could have my eyeballs were frozen.

WORST RUN COURSE EVER!  No mile markers-not one.  No aid stations (despite there was supposed to be TWO!). Most of the course volunteers (when you saw one) were inadequately dressed teenagers.  3.48miles.  No photographers anywhere in the course or at the finish.

Had hoped to PR.  Came close-missed it by 40 seconds.  If I would not have slowed to talk to those children I would have knocked it out easily.  Do I regret it?  No, humanity over huberous every time.

Towards the end I saw the cars and minivans, hazards on heading back into the course.  I am hoping someone finally got someone to go collect the poor frozen children.

Got out today for 2 miles.  Felt good!

Next up--  Turkey Trot 5k on Thursday.  Temps will be about the same but less windy.  I sure hope so.  This one is all grass and trail so not expecting a PR for sure.  It is currently my last of 2013.  Really wanted to set a new PR so may have to do "just one more".  Or maybe it will be my lucky #13?

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