Thursday, December 11, 2014

All I want for Christmas is..............

Wow, only 20 days left in 2015!  Where the heck did this year go?  I have not blogged in forever and just feel like I have been slacking overall.  I have been working out but eating........  I didn't just fall off the wagon, I fell off the wagon, rolled down a big hill and across the valley.

One of my rules I made to myself with this journey and with this blog is complete transparency and honesty.  Confession- I am up 8 pounds since last year.  At first I told myself it was muscle.  Yeah.... then I redid my measurements (Waist, hips and thighs don't lie......)

I held my weight steady until I finished my Spartan.  Then WHAM, fell off the wagon and the eating commenced.

So, what do I want for Christmas?  To find my motivation again.  To find my control.  To find my self-control and strength.

Bought myself a nice little reminder!   (

For the strength- I don't mean to say I lost my physical strength- that has been gaining like mad too and it is a good kind- the trainer has been upping my weights and pushed me so at least I have not lost the Gains I love so much.  So I know I have it in me- Got the physical down-now just to regain the mental!  (To that end, I did put on my Christmas list a 20 pound Slam Medicine Ball- There is nothing I love more when I am feeling stressed to just repeatedly SLAM a heavy ball on a concrete floor!!!)

So, the question is- HOW do I find it again?  Well, step one is get back to basics.  Food logging, cooking, blogging, weekly weights and measures.

AND....Signed up and committed to a Spartan Sprint in May, a Warrior Dash in June, another Spartan Sprint in September.  I also have a 10k I signed up for that I cannot remember for the life of me the date of.

Why Spartans?  I remember how hard it was to haul 212 pounds over those walls a few months ago.  I cannot, WILL NOT do it again in May.  Also, I run as a means to an ends.  I LOVE obstacle course races.  If I could afford it and my body could take it, I would do one every month.  I think that was the problem. I had nothing planned after my Spartan.  The let down from no races made me........ is deflated the right word?  Add to that a very quick move from fall to winter here in the Midwest and all I want is comfort food....and CARBS!

So if you are on MyFitnessPal- look me up (MeAndConnor).  FitBit?  Give me your info and I will add you as a friend?  And as always, find me on Facebook!

Let's keep pushing forward, being strong and let me hear from you!!!  Are you struggling?  Let me hear from you and we can help pull each other out of our ruts!!

20 days......>>LETS DO THIS!!!!

And just so there is a nice pic- here is me and my dad from a recent wedding we went to- was blessed enough to be invited to the weddings of both my Step-Brothers this fall!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

A little bit of Joy and Pain

So, this week has been a week of craziness.  2 weeks out from the Spartan and just got the "official" pics.  I will put them at the end of today's blog.

Last weekend was some downtime and this week too.

So now to explain the heading of this one.

I have this blog for a couple reasons.  One is to give me some place to ramble all the thoughts that I have as I go through this journey in hopes that I don't totally prattle on to all my friends and family endlessly. (Although, I suspect if you know me in real life, I am often prattling on about it...sorry.)

The other reason is that I hope it inspires others, encourages them.  That this open and honest blog helps other people who don't "look like" a runner or a OCR elite sees YOU CAN DO IT.  I have had a number of people let me know it does just that.  

Well.....this week it got recognized in a big way.  A coworker of mine nominated me for an award at work for being a HealthE Champion.  I work for a large organization (over 30,000 employees).  I was selected to be one of the 25 winners for either being a HealthE Champion or an Environmental Champion.  What she wrote touched my heart!  She has been on her own journey and has made amazing changes in her life.  For her to nominate me was amaizng but to have won.....that is just crazy.

Now I am challenged to answer these questions - 

1.      Tell us about how you practice a healthy lifestyle at work and at home.

2.      Describe what motivates you to live a healthy lifestyle or what inspired you to make changes to practice healthy behaviors.

3.      Do you participate in the Healthe You program?  If so, how has it helped you to live healthier?

4.      What insights or advice have you learned about living healthy that you would like to share with others?

 I am thinking on it.......

Now, for the pain.  I have pushed myself hard lately.  I am not the best at taking care of myself.  I don't stretch post runs or lifting.  I have IT Band issues and am terrible with my foam roller. I have the knowledge, the tools, no excuses and I just don't do it.

Well, it has now not only been affecting my runs, it has been ruining my sleep and then crazy dreams.  (Yup, dreamed that I finally went to the doctor for the knot in my one thigh- the dream then took a crazy turn when he just sliced right into it and pulled out a bag of ball bearings and bb's.) I decided to take a little time and give myself a birthday gift. I went and got a 90 minute massage.  For those of you picturing a nice relaxing time....NOPE, I go for deep tissue.  The gal I see starts w/ you on your back so she can do legs first.  I prefer it as my back gets super tense while she does it because it hurts like HELL.  She found a few knots in the left and was like "Well, that is a first to find more than one and that size/location."  I warned her the right was worse.  HAHAHAHA......  when we were done, she warned me to drink lots of water, stop and get some biofreeze or salonpas  and to start taking care of myself.  "How the HELL do you run when your right quad is nothing but knots and pain?"

So.... trying to remind myself that if I want to continue this journey i need to start taking care of myself and my poor quads.  (and glutes)

So... that is my little lesson for me and for the rest of you---  Remember to take the time to take care of yourself.  Stretching is important. If something is sore, DON'T IGNORE IT.  Take the time to work on it when it is a small little thing, not when it is waking you up several times a night and making anything you do painful.  Fitness is all facets of life, not just the miles you cover and the pounds you move.

This is my new best friend lol

As promised, more spartan pics.


Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Courage, fear, and SPARTAN!!

Sunday, September 28th- I faced my fear of failure, fear of injury, fear of not being "enough" and did the Chicago Spartan Sprint.  It took me until today to be able to figure out what to say in this blog and to decide what picture to use for the start of it.

So, let's start with this picture I chose.  This is me, at the finish line, just got my medal.  And I am crying.  Tears of relief.  Tears of PRIDE!  This was the toughest thing I have ever done.  It was physically ROUGH.  It was emotionally even ROUGHER.

Why?  Oh so many reasons.  We all have the baggage of our youths we carry, the little voices we hear in our heads.  We have that image in the mirror and the number on the scale.

So, here is the recap-

Sunday the weather was BEAUTIFUL- 80 degrees, sunny, nice little breeze.

First part- You are never alone in a Spartan- yes it is a competitive race.  It is timed.  BUT, the Spartan creed is you help others, you leave no one behind.

My Dad, step-Mom and a great friend were willing to drive all the way from Rockford, pick me up, drive me there, wait for me, take tons of pics, ride home with my STINKY self and just be all around AWESOME!!

The team from Chicago Spartan welcomed me OPEN ARMS and I was never alone.  Pablo and his Wife. Christopher Mulvey and his awesome Girlfriend Yogi, Sarah, Jes, so many others.

An awesome guy named Ken who was running it solo and happy to let us step up on him, boost us up (and nearly CRUSH him when I fell off a wall)

The COURSE- You start out climbing a wall which then basically locks you in the starting corral.  They go over the rules (speed talking the boring safety part since we obviously were not scared off by the warning below on the packet) and the remind us WHAT IS A SPARTAN.

We are off.

Nice little run......

Then the mud starts.....  yup, over and under things, In and out of mud, moving right a long and feeling good.

First thing that made me question my choice- the barb wire.  It is NOT too far off the ground.  Was not low enough at one point and felt it grab my hair.  GOT LOW THEN!!!  Rolling did not work in many places so it was flat belly arm crawl. (Note-if you are considering one- wear something covering your ENTIRE legs to your shoes and arm sleeves- you will thank me for this after the barb wire crawl)

Got done with that and then....HUGE CARGO NET.  Not your average one made of rope. Think the kind you see holding things in air planes.  Flat Canvas between two trees that you see sway.  Straight up, over and down.  YEAH.....  got up NO PROBLEM (Thank you AJ my trainer- squats and high box step-ups make these things so much easier!).  OVER?  OMG.... That is NOT easy.  Finally just wrapped my arm around the top and went for it.

Spear throw--- ALMOST- it hit the hay with the tip-- if only I had given it a little more UMPH!  30 burpees.

The exact order of other things are a bit of a blur.....  

Atlas Ball......that was a BITCH! (excuse the language but really, truly was).  The balls were somewhere between 65 and 80 pounds BEFORE the day started (there seems to be a bit of a disagreement)..... well, since many of the gals could not lift them they would instead ROLL them..through dirt/mud.  SO...who knows what it weighed.  Doesn't matter- was able to help my friend get hers lifted, got mine- carried it to the drop point (mandatory 5 burpees for all)  Helped my friend get hers up again, got mine up, off we went to drop it at the other end.  (TRAINING TIP- weighted front racked squats and medicine ball wall throws with a squat)

Tire drag- NO PROBLEM-  All the time we spend with the TRX at the gym, not even a hesitation

Hercules hoist- OWNED THAT!  Up and down w/o a thought.  Worried for no reason.  (Could have done that all day long....)

Short walls- Got those.

Log Carry- GOT THAT

The hills..... OMG, the natural ravines and hills...... UP and down and up and down and up and down.

Then we finally were in the home stretch.  Around 1/2 mile and the last obstacles and this was where it unraveled a bit. (Training tip- LEARN TO DO PULL UPS AND MUSCLE UPS.  Can't do them but will before next year!!! Aroo!!)

Traverse Wall-  SERIOUSLY?  Yeah, tried and tried and failed.  Could not fit my big fat feet on the blocks and I could not.  30 burpees!

Inverse Wall- Tried and couldn't get over, tried and couldn't do it, tried and FELL OFF IT FLAT ON MY BACK AND ON TOP OF  THE VERY NICE MAN TRYING TO HELP ME OVER.  30 burpees.

Rope Climb.... in slippery, waist deep water... right after those burpees and falling off a wall.  You guessed it- 30 burpees

Water swim---AHHHHH, this was LOVELY- nice cool water to just paddle across.  It was HEAVEN!!!

8 foot wall-  PHEW- got a boost, got over it.  Slipped coming down- hit ribs on the up right.  That left a mark.

Under the Wall- Ok- the water was gross.  It was thick.  Had to go totally under the water, pull yourself under the wall and come out the other side.  More mental than physical but got it done.

Inverse Wall- last and worst part- I was physically and mentally spent.  Went at it, made it half way and slid down.  Awesome Pablo and the Spartan Staff guy tell me "Hang on- we got you"- I get to the top.  My brain said "Enough".  Seriously- told them to let me quit, that I was done.  NOPE- that is NOT SPARTAN- they got me to just hold on.  A guy from below helped to shove me up high enough so they could grab from the other side and pull my legs OVER!!!

Fire Jump- Ok... had this fear I would trip and fall into the fire.....Not kidding.  Can't do that if you are holding onto your friends!!!

So, for those counting- it was 120 burpees.  Had friends help me with some.  Had the Spartan member at the Rope trade me some burpees for being willing to carry over life jackets to the starting of the swim.

So.... the question I keep getting is "Will you do it again?" OF COURSE- plans are Indiana Sprint in April, Chicago Super next fall and maybe throw in Tough Mudder since many of the people who did this Spartan said it was MUCH harder than the Tough Mudder!!!  Planning to find other races nearby to volunteer and run for free!

Stay tuned for MORE fun.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Knowing oneself and knowing one's limits

So, it took me a few days to get my head "right" so I could make a decision and then update this blog.

Monday I had the chance to go out to DirtRunner for a "training day" on the course where my Chicago Spartan will be at the end of the month.  The training course is a portion of the Super Course.  It was my "reality check" and I needed it.

I am 100x stronger than I was 18 months ago when I started this.  I know this in my heart and head.  HOWEVER, that course is BRUTAL.  Tons of deep ravines you must traverse, tons of obstacles that require upper body strength.

I honestly came quite near to sitting down in the middle of the course when I saw yet another ravine ahead.  It was about 4 of them back to back.  So steep you pretty much slide down on your backside and then have to climb back out.  It nearly broke me.

But I finished it.  Had to skip a few obstacles because I just couldn't pull myself over (and was not going to make the 1 guy there boost me) or because my head was not there.......  At the end, there was a Rope Swing to Cargo Net.  I knew my arms were cashed and I would not make it.  An awesome young lady who was just KILLING IT on the course told me "Oh, this is the best part- just swing out like Tarzan and drop on it.  The water is AMAZING".  So I did it.  I let go of my fear of how high it was and the fact that I had NEVER swung and out I went.  It was the most glorious drop to that water.  (And then she helped me get out of the water as it is quite a deep pit.)

Probably this is my favorite part of OCR- no matter what your level of fitness or what you look like, everyone is there cheering each other on and helping you get over that next obstacle...physically or mentally.

So.... knowing that the course was only HALF of what to expect of a Super I had some thinking to do.  I knew deep in my heart, I would never be able to finish a Super.  I have the option of dropping to a Sprint or deferring to next year completely.

It weighed heavy on me as I really, really wanted that SUPER!  But is it worth hurting myself or someone else who is trying to help me?  No, probably not.  Could I do the Sprint?  Yes, I think I can.

So........ I downgraded my race.  Dropped the Sprint.  Next year--- I WILL DO THE SUPER!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

What's SUP?

So, in an effort to do things that I am not comfortable with, felt I was "too heavy for" etc, today I tried something new again.  SUP- or Stand-up Paddle boarding.

Here were my fears going in:
-People will start at me as a big girl in a swimsuit
-I will not be able to balance even kneeling on the board
-My upper body would be too weak to paddle for very long
-My balance would not let me be able to stand up
-I would spend more time in the water than on the board
-Once I fell in, I would not be able to get myself back onto the board
-I would fall off and hit my head on something and knock myself out
-I would end up going round and round in circles because I could not paddle strong enough
-The poor instructor would have to rescue me and come get the darn board/paddle because I would not be able to get myself back to shore

But, I signed up.  It helped that a good friend of mine was teaching the class.  And that another friend agreed to come along and be my buddy (She is the one that did the great graphic above)

So, then we get there.   As you can see, the boards are BIG..... 11'6".  And it was threatening storms.....  (See dark clouds behind me)

After a lovely safety talk in which it became clear that my fears above are VERY normal.  Ok....was feeling a little better....but still nervous.  OMG, what was this girl thinking.  (Glance at my big pasty thighs......OMG.....What am I doing in the middle of this park w/ no shorts on.)

OK, finally we are getting in the water.  In the water nobody will see my thighs.  (Oh wait, we get right on the board.)  OK- so busy balancing I stop thinking about my thighs....(and that they are likely visible on any overhead GPS as they are so darn white)

OK......   out we go.  Hey, this paddling is not too bad.  (HMM....these things on my shoelaces are not comfortable digging in....might as well try standing up as the poor knees just don't like this kneeling and the lace cinch hurts)  HOLY CRAP-  I was able to stand right up.  NO PROBLEM!!! I GOT THIS!!! And I start paddling.  OK. This is going well too...... YES!  I am way out in front, I am across the pond.  Hmmm, time to turn.

SPLASH- got a little to cocky on the turn.  In I went.  Followed the directions that were given at the beginning of class on how to get up.  OK.... life vest and boobs are an issue.  Move a bit further back.  BAM!  And I am back on the board!

And cruising along.  It is so peaceful on the water.  My legs feel strong.  My arms and shoulders feel great.

Chatting w/ another person......  SPLASH.  YUP..... did it again- turned around to talk to someone.  Ummm, standing on a board.  Right back up first try.

All told only hit the water 3 times.  Got back up w/ no problem.  Towards the end we started messing around.  Was able to do Downward Dog on the board!  Was able to get the board out of the water myself.

Nobody stared at me.

I did not knock myself out.

Nothing I was afraid of happening occurred and instead the most wonderful thing did.....  I found a new pride in my strength.  My friend and I can't wait to do it again.  And maybe try kayaking?

Be bold, Be Brave, Be Strong my friends- you will be surprised how fun it can be!!

***IF you have an LL Bean near you, check for classes-well run and affordable- if you are near Hoffman Estates, IL- Cassi Ams is the BEST instructor!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Getting back on track.....

So, as I posted the other day it has been a bit crazy in my life.  Isn't that how it is for everyone?  We have the best of intentions but then life gets in the way.

So..... fitness-wise I have only done a few runs- A spur of the moment "Dirty Girl Run, The MELD run on 7-4-14, a Virtual Run and then yesterday I did a Color Blast 5k.

One of the coolest things I have had happen is I was matched through iRun4 with a Buddy.  I run for an adorable little guy named Brody.  Brody is 20 months old and born with essentially 1/2 a heart!  He is an amazing little guy and I dedicate all I do for him.  His family cheers me on and makes me feel more motivated to work out.  Brody is truly a Heart Hero!

That said, I have been inconsistent w/ working out w/ the trainer and working out on my own.  I have gotten in the miles but not the weight training I need to keep the scale moving.  My body is aching from slacking.  It NEEDS the training.

In my head I would tell myself "Oh, but w/ all the packing and moving I am getting in workouts". And my BodyMedia would show that my calorie burn was around where it needed to be.

BUT-- the scale started creeping up..... first a pound, then two.  I am now up 5 pounds from last October.  YIKES!!!  My clothes still fit so it may be transient. (It fluctuates between 3 and 5 the past few days)

But it is still up.

AND-- I am not feeling ready for my Spartan in 5 weeks.  I really, really need to find my motivation and my mojo.

One thing I did was take what I like to call "Accountability Pics."  Stripped down to my bra and panties and a few very personal selfies.  Front, side and back.  It is the first time I have ever done these but I really needed to do it.

This has helped me to realize that the belly bloat is creeping back.  Truly, our belly fat is made mostly in the kitchen, not in the gym and I KNOW my food has been bad.  Conviennce has won over quailty the last 6 weeks.

SO.... back to my supplements.  Back to MyFitnessPal and logging my food, back to REALLY being serious about working out at home and at the gym.

So hang in there my followers, I am rededicating myself to this journey. 34 days to Spartan (OMG!!!!)

OK, few pics from the last month- if you think of it, please hit me up from time to time to see how I am doing and help hold me accountable.  Food, Fitness and FUN!  Gotta get working on all three!
I think I am in LOVE with this pic!
I was actually teasing the Camera guy who
was WAY to clean "Come on, Don't you
want a hug?" but this pic just really makes me see
how far I have come physically and also self-esteem wise.
When I started this journey I would NEVER have been out in a
Tank-top and compression capris that tight nor
published the pics for the whole world to see!

MELD 4th of July 5 miler-PR at 14:00 min/mile
Door County 5k Hike w/ my Step-Mom Margi- WAS A GREAT WEEKEND!
Post ColorBlast 5k- SUPER Hot and Humid-
Popsicle not only hit the spot but matched me

Me and a few friends after the ColorBlast!
Congrats to my Friend Sandy for finishing her 1st 5k!

Friday, August 22, 2014

WOW----has it really been that long?

Today I was thinking and said to myself "I really need to get back on track.  Start logging my food, following a training schedule, blogging".  Take a little trip over here and OMG- I have not blogged here since June 1st?  How can that be?

Life has been a bit crazy.......   Since my last post there have been a lot of "non-fitness" upheavels" and they have taken their toll fitness-wise.

To name a few.....  

Needed to move for a variety of reasons since the old place was not working for us anymore-looked, found and place and moved in a period of three weeks

Health-scare w/ the kid that required a number of tests, doctor visits and sleepless nights.  Thankfully all is well and he is back to his baseline health stuff.

Lost someone that while I was not close to them, was still someone important in the family and someone close to many people I love.

Work...... that is just a constant pressure cooker- I love it more than any job I have ever had but let it get to me and wore me down...likely due to the above.

The actual MOVE.....  it has been nearly a month and my house is still disorganized.

The boy started High School..........  

BUT-- I have a Spartan in 5 weeks....(EEEK!!!!!!)  In between I have a ColorBlast 5k, a WalktoCureAlzheimer's 5k, a virtual 10 race and then the day after the Spartan I am doing the AHA Heart Walk.

Sorry for being MIA.....  I will be posting some race updates and such tomorrow........


Sunday, June 1, 2014

Mighty May and Getting Down and Dirty!!!!

It has been a nutty time the last few weeks.  I am working on getting refocused on my diet and exercise program.  This has got me back to within 1 pound of my lowest in October and .2% body fat.

I also hit record miles this month!  I ran/walked 50.75 miles this month.  How insane is that right?  I can hardly believe it.  Goal is to up it 10% a month so shooting for 57 miles in June.

Today, June 1st was the Merrell Down and Dirty!
 This is my "warm up" for the Spartan Super this fall.  I wanted to see where my weak spots are and to help boost my confidence.

I feel great with my finish- I was able to do all the challenges.  I am VERY glad for all the step-ups the trainer has made me do as it helped me on the Ladder Climb since the first rung was around (forgive the reference) crotch high. And all the Cargo nets......   and the Rock Wall.... and the rope climb.....   And all the squats, and the lunges and EVERYTHING.  All the hard work showed today. 

**NOTE- none of these are me.  Wanted to get the blog while it is fresh in my mind so pulled stock pics off the site.


My weaknesses to work on?  1. Hills.  I must learn to run up and down grassy hills.  STEEP grassy hills.
2.  Faith in myself.  The ladder wall, I hit it, got up it, got to the top and FROZE!  The volunteer on the other side spotted it and hopped right up the wall and talked me threw it.  By the time I got to the Massive two-level cargo net I was feeling better.  Up the first level, roll across the flat.  Up the second level, start rolling and OMG......   Get to the edge and look down.  Gut check again.  GOT IT!

The rockwall-- I worried all night and hardly slept.  I hit it and BAM!  All I have to do it find foot placement on things and UP I GO!  These big thighs of mine hold a TON of power.  My shoulders and arms are a little achy but I didn't have to rely on my upper body for most of the obstacles.

NOW- to give you a bit of my actual pics.

Finish line
 and once I caught my breath

Got TWO medals (1 for my iRun4 buddy I am waiting on a match for)

And at first I only had a few bruises...
But now they are multiplying and getting a bit.... brighter?

I am feeling amazing though and can't wait for the next one!  And love the challenge of the OCR more than the distance running!  Might just be a bit of an addict.

(OCR stands for obstacle course race for those wondering)

Not fast... but was fabulous!

Saturday, May 10, 2014


Today was the Literacy Council 10k-

My dear friend Brenda roped me into this with the lure of a low race cost ($15) and that Red Lobster was providing the Post Race Food.
 (Us - but post race!)

Normally when racing out there, I stay at my Dad's but sick kid meant instead I was up at 5:45am and out the door by 6:15am.  The whole way there debating.....  Is my queasiness race nerves or did I catch the kid's GI bug?  Oh, should I turn around?  Am I going to humiliate myself with a Code Brown?  2 bathroom  stops and was still in doubt.

BUT, I decided I was going to give it a go.  It was a beautiful morning.  Got my shoes wet walking through the grass though.

Needless to say- I did not retie my shoes and started out w/ them tied too tight.  Horrible calf pain and tightness plagued my first mile.  Stopped to loosen the shoes and figured I would give it another mile and if not better, I will turn around and DNF.  Also, decided the GI issues of the AM might have caused me to be a bit low in fuel so......  Threw in a 2 Clif Bloks for good measure.

AHHHHHH, finally hit my stride.  The hills got a little easier, my legs finally got looser and I got into my zone.  The nice thing about my pace is I was by myself.  Peaceful time in the woods.

The organizers did an AMAZING job!  Aid stations right where I needed them, 4 different areas to pee if needed (didn't til about mile 4.5).  They had some really great signs throughout that makes you chuckle!

Then got to mile 5 and knew it was time for a gut check- it was super hard at the start going DOWN the hill due to how steep it was.  What goes down, MUST GO UP??  Right then there is a sign "You know a hill is epic when it has it's own name.  Hello, my name is Ermeena"  Yeah- the race organziers KNEW the hill sucked.  But the chuckle helped....a little.  A little bit later "Your almost done, KEEP CHUGGING"...Yes and I think I was breathing so hard that I sounded like a freight train!!!

I knew it was hilly going in so I told myself I was not going to care about my time.  As long as I got it done under 2 hours I would be happy. (Yeah, lies we tell ourselves at the start right?).  I knew I would not PR but I was hoping that it would be decent.   I finished in 1:37!!!!  I was within 7 minutes of my best time so considering the hill climbs (230 feet) - I would take it.

Now- there is always official distance (6.2) and actual.  Since I tend to run like a lurching drunk, especially at the end.  How funny I thought it was HELL the whole way and my ending distance...... 6.66

And at the end........  YUP, not only Red Lobster Pasta, but also the BISCUITS and donuts!
(There was also beer.  I tried to drink one.  Managed 1 sip of the Irish Red and after that tried to drink the Light Lager - I could not even take a sip-INSTANTLY turned my stomach.  NOPE, this girl cannot drink beer)

(New racing tank too- TOTALLY love it!)

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Ahhhh, Spring!

Thankfully Spring has FINALLY arrived in Illinois.  This past winter was a beast and seemed like it would never end!!!

With the nicer weather, my motivation seems to be coming back slowly too.  According to the scale, I am up 4.2 pounds since October.  My waist is up an inch.  My thighs....down an inch.

Honestly, it is OK.  I am still doing better than I have before.  I am "around" where I was 6 months ago.  I have never been able to maintain.

Now- time to get back at it and get serious!  Maintain is not the plan.  Demolish the current state is the plan!!!

NOW- when I look back at the pics from 2 months ago and yesterday- I think that I am "tighter" than I was in February.  AND-- my runs are stronger, farther, faster and hurt a hell of a lot less.

I am now able to go out and run/walk 4 miles and have no problem continuing with my day after that.
Short term goals:Make 6 miles my "regular" run at least twice a week and keep getting the core/upper body tighter and stronger to prep for the OCR's.

There is a new Pilates studio near by and thinking I may start doing the 9:30am Sunday Piloxing class.  That should help w/ it all!!!
February 25,2014
April 26, 2014            

Have a great Sunday and KEEP MOVING!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

It has been a crazy year!

One year ago, I decided I needed to make a change.  I started a blog.  I joined a gym.  This is something I have done before but I knew I needed a plan to be sure to stick with it.

I signed up for a bunch of 5ks and a 10k to total 27.2 miles - 1 mile over a marathon in little bits.

My first 5k was on 4-20-13 and my time was 55:15 (pace 17:50/mile).

Last weekend I had another race.  My 17th.  (OMG...that is nuts..... I did 17 races in less than 12 months.)

My time and pace?  43:55 or 14:08/mile.

I am so in shock at the change!  Over 3 minutes faster per minute!  I am fast.....not yet.  Am I going to get faster?  HELL YES!!!!!  

Worked out w/ my trainer again tonight and it felt so good!  Just thinking back over my journey this past year makes me VERY emotional.  My life is a whole new one and I don't EVER want to go back.

It is not just a physical change.  I am a stronger person physically and mentally.  I am excited by what I can do.

ME- 12 months ago:


The difference--- the loss of 40 pounds, a ton of inches, amazing amounts of blood, sweat and tears and I made a bunch of new great friends!

Thanks to everyone for reading this page and following me for my blogversary!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

FINALLY-it was spring!

This was the PERFECT end to my mini-vacation!  (Just 2 days off but awesome)

Thursday was errands and new running shoes (gotta love that right), dinner with an amazing gal, then an inspiration movie.  Friday headed out to my Dad's house for the weekend which always just helps relax me when I am feeling super tense.

Friday I put in a 5 mile run and today another 3.5.  It felt so amazing.

Add in that we had a PERFECT Spring day today- Sunny, 60, it was just what my sagging spirit needed.

Talked to several friends this week and we were all in the same boat.  This never ending winter just seemed to tank my will power, my drive to work out, the drive to eat right.

Hoping the large dose of sunshine today turns it around (and that more sunny days are not to far off.  I know it is a lot of work and there are setbacks.  In fact, saw this today and remember now why I need to stay the course-slow and steady, because it is a lifetime transformation and not a short sprint!

On a side note, today was also a glimpse of the man my son is becoming.  I had a tail light out on my car (which turned into three) and asked if he could change it.  I also wanted to have my license plate cover changed (NU Alumni!!!!) Asked him to help me and he just stepped in.  Found the maintenance section of the owners manual, changed the first one and got me to "press the brake" so he could be sure the light worked, found two more were out, changed those and took care of the license plate cover too.  14 years old!  I know a large number of grown men who would not be able to handle that!  SO PROUD!!!